Building the Foundations of Peace in Burma

Inter Pares
September 2012 Bulletin Cover

In this issue:

Building the Foundations of Peace in Burma

Since 1991, Inter Pares has been working with people from Burma, a country that has been in conflict since independence, supporting the work of over fifty community-based organizations.

The difficult trek to healthcare

Government health services are virtually non-existent in rural Burma and international aid agencies have little to no access to most of these areas, particularly in the conflict zones. Preventable and treatable diseases continue to cause the majority of deaths.

For Refugees, By Refugees

Recent events in central Burma have led some observers to predict the imminent repatriation of refugees, but for most refugees the situation in their home villages has not actually improved.

Investing in Conflict

Burma is a wealthy nation, rich in natural resources. But Burma’s management of the economy, often characterized as “crony capitalism,” involves most of the benefits flowing to a few individuals loyal to the army. The abundance of corruption and militarization, and the lack of human rights and environmental protection mechanisms, perpetuate conflict and poverty in Burma.

Why is the “Ethnic Issue” Important?

Burma was cobbled together by the British from a diverse territory larger than Alberta, shared among the Shan, Karen, Kachin, Chin, Wa, Mon, Karenni, Arakan, Burman, and other peoples – all with entirely distinct cultures and languages.