Inter Pares Film Nights - Burma VJ

event : Film screening


We would like to invite you to a private screening  of  “Burma VJ,” a documentary by danish filmmaker Anders Østergaard. This will be our 5th edition of Inter Pares’ Free Film Nights! “Burma VJ” documents the September, 2007 uprising against Burma’s military junta, with powerful images taken by video journalists in Rangoon. Watch the trailer here. 

For over 20 years, Inter Pares has collaborated with local groups in Burma and neighbouring countries. The capacity these groups have gained is now being applied to Burma’s transition towards peace and democracy. After the film, Inter Pares staff members Rebecca Wolsak and Kevin Malseed will chat with participants about the current context in Burma.

We look forward to seeing you there. 

This event is free. Seating is limited. RSVP is required.

Please RSVP now. 

P.S. As usual, there will be popcorn!
