Together with our allies from Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights, Amnesty International Canada, the Equality Fund, Nobel Women’s Initiative, and Oxfam Canada, we have prepared a policy brief on why Canada needs a feminist response to COVID-19 and how it can be achieved.
A Feminist Action Agenda outlines the unique challenges women and girls have faced since the beginning of COVID-19, and how a feminist response could ensure hard won gains for women’s rights and gender equality are not lost.
In the brief, we call on the Government of Canada to take a leadership role in implementing a feminist response to COVID-19. The Feminist Action Agenda establishes five key principles to guide the government’s feminist response: southern-led, sustainable, standalone, safety and rights, and human security. It also outlines specific recommendations for the government, including increasing women’s rights and feminist movements’ resources and leadership, prioritizing violence against women and girls/sexual and gender-based violence and sexual and reproductive health and rights programming in COVID-19 responses, and supporting respect for human rights and protecting women human rights defenders and LGBTI rights defenders, and more.
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