Advocacy is resistance: Navigating anti-LGBTQI+ violence in post-war Guatemala May 23, 2024 | Read more
Canadian coalition calls for urgent action to uphold civil liberties and Charter rights at protests and encampments across the country May 15, 2024 | Read more
Inter Pares joins call for Burma to end use of violence and respect democracy Feb 4, 2021 | Read more
Planning is resistance: Indigenous people in Burma envision a self-determined future May 23, 2024 | Read more
Inter Pares welcomes Canada’s feminist realignment of international assistance Jun 9, 2017 | Read more
Stopping the unstoppable: Citizen resistance to exterminator technology in Burkina Faso Sep 4, 2019 | Read more
The Immigrant Workers Centre to receive 2018 Peter Gillespie Social Justice Award Apr 18, 2018 | Read more
“Until We Find Them”: Searching for missing loved ones on the road to the North Mar 11, 2019 | Read more
CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS | Inter Pares and SUWRA launch Canadian civil society working group on Sudan Jun 25, 2024 | Read more
Planning is resistance: Indigenous people in Burma envision a self-determined future May 23, 2024 | Read more
Advocacy is resistance: Navigating anti-LGBTQI+ violence in post-war Guatemala May 23, 2024 | Read more
News Keywords News Type - Any -In the NewsInsight & AnalysisUpdates Issue - Any -AgricultureAidArmed conflictEnvironmentFeminismHealth policyInternal displacementBiodiversityCivil libertiesCorporate accountabilityHealth promotionLandLGBTIQ2+ rightsMigrant labourFood policyFreedom of expressionHealth servicesNatural resourcesTax justiceUndocumented migrantsViolence against womenFood securityGovernanceRefugeesTradeWomen’s healthGenetic engineeringHumanitarian reliefWomen’s leadershipHuman rightsWomen's rightsImpunityIndigenous & ethnic rightsMilitarizationPeacebuildingWomen's Rights & Gender JusticePeace and DemocracyControl Over ResourcesEconomic JusticeFood SovereigntyHealthMigration Region - Any -Africa-Burkina Faso-Ghana-Guinea-Bissau-Kenya-Mali-Senegal-Sudan-TogoAsia-Bangladesh-Burma-India-Malaysia-Philippines-ThailandCanadaLatin America-Colombia-El Salvador-Guatemala-Honduras-Mexico-Peru Submit Sort By: Sort by DateAlphabetical Order AscDesc Results: 33 Mangrove restoration: Local solutions, global impacts The often-misunderstood mangrove is an ecosystem at the centre of efforts to adapt to climate change in West African coastal and island communities Food SovereigntyAfrica Leading the change: Women and youth at the heart of climate action In Senegal, rural women and youth play a crucial role in natural resource management and climate-change adaptation. However, their Food SovereigntyAfrica Climate plans must include solutions by and for communities “This is where we used to grow rice, before the sea swept our fields away,” Sanca Albino says, pointing to the beach, where the wa Natural resourcesAgricultureAfrica Gender equality in rural areas For several years now, a worldwide feminist resistance movement has been organized by women from different countries around key issues for women's Women’s leadershipAgricultureBurkina FasoSenegalCanada Without seed security, no food sovereignty Seed security is the guarantee of producing or having access to quality seeds. Control Over ResourcesAfrica Women-Led Agroecology is Climate Action In Guinea-Bissau, women’s collectives and community organizations are fighting climate change through the way they produce and prepare food. Food SovereigntyAfrica Women at the heart of Senegal’s transition to agroecology ENDA Pronat and allies launch a series of policy recommendations to support Senegal's transition to agroecology. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfrica Senegal leading the way for a transition to agroecology DyTAES calls for the Senegalese government to adopt an agroecological approach. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfrica Hope in the Countryside: Abdoulaye’s story Eight years ago, Abdoulaye Déme left his village in Les Niayes, Senegal, and boarded a pirogue for the Canary Islands. Food SovereigntyAfrica Inter Pares at Food Secure Canada Inter Pares is proud to participate in Food Secure Canada's 10th assembly: resetting the table. Food SovereigntyCanada Introducing… ENDA Pronat Inter Pares is proud to announce its new relationship with Enda Pronat, a Senegalese organization advocating for sustainable and fair development. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfrica Rural Women-to-Women exCHANGEs An exchange that brought together farmers and rural women leaders from Canada, the West African biodiversity coalition COPAGEN, and the Deccan Development Society (DDS) in India. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfrica A critical look at the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Senegal Presentation of key findings from the evaluation of the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Senegal. Food SovereigntyAfrica Walking the path together: Building solidarity between West African and southern Indian farmers What do West Africa and southern India have in common? Quite a lot! Women’s leadershipWomen's rightsFood SovereigntyAfrica My Retirement, Not at the Price of Human Dignity! Quebec and BC’s pension funds have land investments in Brazil that are forcing peasants off their land through violence and fraud. Take action now and write to their CEOs. Control Over ResourcesLatin America Cathleen Kneen: Our big sister Program manager Eric Chaurette shares his ten-year collaboration with Cathleen, a tireless leader for food sovereignty who passed away this spring. Women’s leadershipFood SovereigntyCanada Inter Pares helping to reset the table at the Food Secure Canada Assembly This event will bring together an estimated 700 delegates to share knowledge, learn from others and build the relationships. Food SovereigntyCanada Rising up for migrant farmworkers' rights This fall, two important series of events are drawing attention to the structural injustice that migrant farmworkers face in Canada, and to their demands for change. Food SovereigntyCanada Top Swedish, US and Canadian pension funds linked to Brazilian land grabs, displacement of people A New York company managing the retirement savings of workers in Sweden, the US and Canada is evading Brazilian laws on foreign investment to acquire farmlands from a businessman accused of violently displacing local communities. Control Over ResourcesCanada The Future of International Solidarity Over forty years, we have witnessed incredible change in the countries where we work. While some rights have been gained, others become threatened. Women’s leadershipArmed conflictHuman rightsIndigenous & ethnic rightsEnvironmentLandNatural resourcesAgricultureInternal displacementRefugeesAfrica Why is Inter Pares concerned with GMOs? Inter Pares works to support and promote food sovereignty and ecological agriculture. Here are a few of the reasons Inter Pares is concerned about GMOs. Food SovereigntyAfrica The truth from our fields Inter Pares staff Eric Chaurette visited a cotton farmer group in Burkina Faso in February 2015. He got the latest news on the farmer-researcher project. Control Over ResourcesAfrica The Power of Collective Action in Bangladesh Nijera Kori landless groups in the communities of Charbata, Bangladesh, successfully led collective action to protect the land to farm and the river to fish. Women’s leadershipGovernanceControl Over ResourcesAsia Happy Birthday Tiniguena! Tiniguena, founded in 1991, is a courageous organization that over its history has managed to accomplish big things. Human rightsControl Over ResourcesAfrica The Future of International Solidarity: Over 100 participants! On April 30th, over 100 activists from Ottawa-Gatineau and around the world joined Inter Pares for its 40th anniversary event. FeminismWomen’s leadershipPeace and DemocracyAfrica Unforgettable learning exchange for West African, Canadian and Indian farmers While continents apart, West Africa and the State of Andhra Pradesh in India share similar challenges. Food SovereigntyAfrica Songs and Seeds of Freedom: Building solidarity among farmers from West Africa and India Inter Pares facilitates a learning exchange amongst West African and Indian farmers. Food SovereigntyAfrica Upholding the Law on Shifting Sands A courageous community in Bangladesh reclaims their land. Control Over ResourcesAsia The True Face of Landgrabs in West Africa Participatory research reveals disastrous impacts on communities. Control Over ResourcesAfrica How access to land leads to gender equality in Chiapas Inserting women’s perspective into the communal land system in Mexico. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeLatin America Farmers in Ghana displaced for Canadian mine seek justice Farmers desperate after 10 year struggle for fair compensation for farms destroyed for Canadian mine. Control Over ResourcesAfrica Canadian solidarity with migrant workers Inter Pares promotes solidarity and collaboration between the migrant justice and food justice movements. Food SovereigntyCanada Protecting biodiversity and building food sovereignty in Guinea-Bissau Tiniguena, an organization in Guinea-Bissau, celebrates 20 years of struggle for emancipation and biodiversity conservation. Food SovereigntyAfrica
Mangrove restoration: Local solutions, global impacts The often-misunderstood mangrove is an ecosystem at the centre of efforts to adapt to climate change in West African coastal and island communities Food SovereigntyAfrica
Leading the change: Women and youth at the heart of climate action In Senegal, rural women and youth play a crucial role in natural resource management and climate-change adaptation. However, their Food SovereigntyAfrica
Climate plans must include solutions by and for communities “This is where we used to grow rice, before the sea swept our fields away,” Sanca Albino says, pointing to the beach, where the wa Natural resourcesAgricultureAfrica
Gender equality in rural areas For several years now, a worldwide feminist resistance movement has been organized by women from different countries around key issues for women's Women’s leadershipAgricultureBurkina FasoSenegalCanada
Without seed security, no food sovereignty Seed security is the guarantee of producing or having access to quality seeds. Control Over ResourcesAfrica
Women-Led Agroecology is Climate Action In Guinea-Bissau, women’s collectives and community organizations are fighting climate change through the way they produce and prepare food. Food SovereigntyAfrica
Women at the heart of Senegal’s transition to agroecology ENDA Pronat and allies launch a series of policy recommendations to support Senegal's transition to agroecology. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfrica
Senegal leading the way for a transition to agroecology DyTAES calls for the Senegalese government to adopt an agroecological approach. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfrica
Hope in the Countryside: Abdoulaye’s story Eight years ago, Abdoulaye Déme left his village in Les Niayes, Senegal, and boarded a pirogue for the Canary Islands. Food SovereigntyAfrica
Inter Pares at Food Secure Canada Inter Pares is proud to participate in Food Secure Canada's 10th assembly: resetting the table. Food SovereigntyCanada
Introducing… ENDA Pronat Inter Pares is proud to announce its new relationship with Enda Pronat, a Senegalese organization advocating for sustainable and fair development. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfrica
Rural Women-to-Women exCHANGEs An exchange that brought together farmers and rural women leaders from Canada, the West African biodiversity coalition COPAGEN, and the Deccan Development Society (DDS) in India. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfrica
A critical look at the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Senegal Presentation of key findings from the evaluation of the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Senegal. Food SovereigntyAfrica
Walking the path together: Building solidarity between West African and southern Indian farmers What do West Africa and southern India have in common? Quite a lot! Women’s leadershipWomen's rightsFood SovereigntyAfrica
My Retirement, Not at the Price of Human Dignity! Quebec and BC’s pension funds have land investments in Brazil that are forcing peasants off their land through violence and fraud. Take action now and write to their CEOs. Control Over ResourcesLatin America
Cathleen Kneen: Our big sister Program manager Eric Chaurette shares his ten-year collaboration with Cathleen, a tireless leader for food sovereignty who passed away this spring. Women’s leadershipFood SovereigntyCanada
Inter Pares helping to reset the table at the Food Secure Canada Assembly This event will bring together an estimated 700 delegates to share knowledge, learn from others and build the relationships. Food SovereigntyCanada
Rising up for migrant farmworkers' rights This fall, two important series of events are drawing attention to the structural injustice that migrant farmworkers face in Canada, and to their demands for change. Food SovereigntyCanada
Top Swedish, US and Canadian pension funds linked to Brazilian land grabs, displacement of people A New York company managing the retirement savings of workers in Sweden, the US and Canada is evading Brazilian laws on foreign investment to acquire farmlands from a businessman accused of violently displacing local communities. Control Over ResourcesCanada
The Future of International Solidarity Over forty years, we have witnessed incredible change in the countries where we work. While some rights have been gained, others become threatened. Women’s leadershipArmed conflictHuman rightsIndigenous & ethnic rightsEnvironmentLandNatural resourcesAgricultureInternal displacementRefugeesAfrica
Why is Inter Pares concerned with GMOs? Inter Pares works to support and promote food sovereignty and ecological agriculture. Here are a few of the reasons Inter Pares is concerned about GMOs. Food SovereigntyAfrica
The truth from our fields Inter Pares staff Eric Chaurette visited a cotton farmer group in Burkina Faso in February 2015. He got the latest news on the farmer-researcher project. Control Over ResourcesAfrica
The Power of Collective Action in Bangladesh Nijera Kori landless groups in the communities of Charbata, Bangladesh, successfully led collective action to protect the land to farm and the river to fish. Women’s leadershipGovernanceControl Over ResourcesAsia
Happy Birthday Tiniguena! Tiniguena, founded in 1991, is a courageous organization that over its history has managed to accomplish big things. Human rightsControl Over ResourcesAfrica
The Future of International Solidarity: Over 100 participants! On April 30th, over 100 activists from Ottawa-Gatineau and around the world joined Inter Pares for its 40th anniversary event. FeminismWomen’s leadershipPeace and DemocracyAfrica
Unforgettable learning exchange for West African, Canadian and Indian farmers While continents apart, West Africa and the State of Andhra Pradesh in India share similar challenges. Food SovereigntyAfrica
Songs and Seeds of Freedom: Building solidarity among farmers from West Africa and India Inter Pares facilitates a learning exchange amongst West African and Indian farmers. Food SovereigntyAfrica
Upholding the Law on Shifting Sands A courageous community in Bangladesh reclaims their land. Control Over ResourcesAsia
The True Face of Landgrabs in West Africa Participatory research reveals disastrous impacts on communities. Control Over ResourcesAfrica
How access to land leads to gender equality in Chiapas Inserting women’s perspective into the communal land system in Mexico. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeLatin America
Farmers in Ghana displaced for Canadian mine seek justice Farmers desperate after 10 year struggle for fair compensation for farms destroyed for Canadian mine. Control Over ResourcesAfrica
Canadian solidarity with migrant workers Inter Pares promotes solidarity and collaboration between the migrant justice and food justice movements. Food SovereigntyCanada
Protecting biodiversity and building food sovereignty in Guinea-Bissau Tiniguena, an organization in Guinea-Bissau, celebrates 20 years of struggle for emancipation and biodiversity conservation. Food SovereigntyAfrica