Gifts of stocks and securities


Credit: Eric Chaurette, Inter Pares

Why make a gift of stocks or securities to Inter Pares?

Donating publicly listed securities, such as stocks, bonds or mutual funds, to Inter Pares is a tax-efficient way to help us change the systems that are at the root of global inequality.

When you transfer stocks directly to Inter Pares, you do not pay any related capital gains tax, and you will receive a tax receipt for the full value of the stock on the day it was transferred to Inter Pares.

How do I make a gift of stock or securities?

It’s a simple process of connecting brokers to do the transfer on your behalf.  You can use our Gifts of Stock Transfer Form

If you’re ready to make your gift, please contact:


Lorraine Hudson, Community Engagement Manager       
613-563-4801 ext. 1144
