We share with you some insights from Khushi Kabir on how to sustain peace in Bangladesh.
“Peace to me is the ability for people, especially the ones who are the most exploited, to be able to live their lives on their terms.”
Khushi Kabir’s organization, Nijera Kori, has collaborated with Inter Pares since 1980. In Bangladesh, Nijera Kori focuses on the issue of the right to land for landless farmers. Nijera Kori staff work with the poor and marginalized to inform them of their rights and to enable them to hold the state accountable for these rights.
In recent years Nijera Kori has:
- defended small-scale farmers from aggressive and violent encroachment of shrimp aquaculture; and
- assisted thousands of landless families to gain access to land, ensuring greater security and better lives.
Through your support to Inter Pares we have been able to work with Nijera Kori for over three decades, and we continue to learn from each other.
Please make a gift today to show your support for Inter Pares counterparts like Nijera Kori working to build a more peaceful world. To those who have already made a donation, we thank you!