Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals

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From September 20 to 30, 2024, Inter Pares accompanied an international West African delegation to meet farming communities and feminist activists in Quebec. This tour highlighted essential struggles for agroecology, food sovereignty, and gender equality.

A round table, co-organized with Vigilance OGM, was held on September 23 in Sutton, bringing together experts from Canada and West Africa for a rich and inspiring exchange.

We discussed the following topics:

  • Agroecology and feminism: How these approaches respond to current challenges linked to inequalities, the climate and biodiversity crisis, and systemic violence.
  • Resistance to multinationals: A look at resistance to agrochemical lobbies in Canada and West Africa.
  • Myths about GMOs: Deconstructing the false solutions being promoted to feed the world.

This dialogue helped strengthen the links between feminist and ecological struggles across continents, highlighting the importance of local initiatives for global change. Our counterparts from Senegal, Togo, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast and Guinea Bissau shared their experiences and strategies of resistance in the face of inequalities and environmental crises exacerbated by the climate crisis.

If you missed the event or would like to watch it again, the recording is available on YouTube.


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