Inter Pares – which means among equals – believes in solidarity, not charity, as an approach to international cooperation. For over 40 years, we have worked closely with courageous activists and more than a hundred inspiring organizations throughout the world to build peace, advance justice and globalize equality.
Our programs largely focus on six global issues: food sovereignty, women's equality, peace and democracy, economic justice, health, and migration.
We work with long-term counterparts – local and national activist organizations – in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Canada.
Our mission
We are dedicated to empowering people in Canada and around the world to be at the center of their own development and to assert their own agency. By supporting the work of our counterparts, we help communities confront injustice, implement locally adapted solutions, spark innovative initiatives and occupy the political space that belongs to them.
We are also committed to engaging Canadians in the struggles for justice and equality that people face around the world, and to offer ways to take action.
When you support Inter Pares, you contribute to changing the overall systems that perpetuate inequality, poverty and injustice. Get involved today.
Values & principles
- We put equality into practice as the key component for creating a better world.
- We work in solidarity as citizens from around the world connect for a common cause.
- We support women’s leadership, because women occupy a central and crucial role in societies though they are often marginalized.
- We foster participation since people and communities need to actively participate in creating solutions to the poverty and injustice that affects them.
- We promote sustainability to help communities become self-sufficient, and environmentally and financially sound.
Our work
We put feminism into practice
We see issues of equality as important elements of our political analysis. We value methodologies that promote collaboration, foster good process, and encourage the agency of those with less power.
We believe in the strength of women
We work with women and men who promote women’s leadership, economic well-being, health, and autonomy.
We engage in peacebuilding and reconciliation
We help enable grassroots participation in peacebuilding efforts, and support those who challenge the power structures that lead to violence, displacement, poverty, and corruption.
We support refugees, migrants, and displaced people
We provide political, humanitarian, and financial assistance to refugees, displaced people, and those who support them through documenting abuses, providing health services, building livelihoods, and promoting peace and democracy.
We promote food sovereignty
We work with farmers and others to promote food systems that support small farmers, feed communities, and ensure a healthy planet.
We promote fair economies
We collaborate with groups promoting fair trade agreements, support communities affected by resource extraction, and help rural communities develop management plans to protect resources and livelihoods.
We advocate for strong, public healthcare systems
We see health as a political issue and fundamental to social justice. We promote an approach that addresses the nexus of health, poverty, equality and social conditions. We advocate for integrated, accessible, publicly funded healthcare systems.