From the Land: 140 supporters reflect with us on reconciliation

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De la terre : Rita Morbia, Anne Marie Sam et Mildrey Corrales Charry parlent lors de l'édition 2016 de la Série de conférences annuelles d'Inter Pares. Crédit: Samantha McGavin

On April 25th, 2016, 140 supporters and activists from Ottawa-Gatineau joined Inter Pares for the 2016 edition of its annual Speakers Series, "From the Land: Reconciliation in action in Canada and Colombia," at the Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health in Ottawa.

The event featured two long-time activists: Anne Marie Sam, member of the Nak'azdli Band Council and board member of MiningWatch Canada, and Mildrey Corrales Charry, Colombia Country Director for Project Counselling Service from Colombia. The event was moderated by Jean Symes of Inter Pares, who shared reflections from her long years of supporting peacebuilding efforts and women's political engagement in Latin America and in Africa.

The discussion was preceded by a video presentation that shared perspectives on reconciliation from colleagues around the world:

A common theme was that, in order to have true reconciliation, we must begin with truth - whether it be about forced disappearances and murder during armed conflict, so that family members may know the fate of their loved ones; about the history and present reality of Indigenous people's marginalization and human rights abuse; about decisions taken by those wielding political power. Throughout the presentations and subsequent discussion, Anne Marie and Mildrey reflected on other important elements of moving forward: rebuliding trust, working together, centering marginalized people's realities and voices, raising our own voices.

You weren't able to attend? You will be able to discover the best moments by watching the videos that document the main presentations and highlights of the evening

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