CAMEX: A new Latin American counterpart is born

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The team and board members of Consejería Oxlajuj Ix CAMEX during the opening ceremony.
L’équipe et plusieurs membres du conseil d’administration de la Consejería Oxlajuj Ix CAMEX lors de la cérémonie d’ouverture. Crédit: CAMEX

On January 23rd Inter Pares' newest counterpart, the Consejeria Oxlajuj Ix para Centroamérica y México, also known as CAMEX, held a founding assembly in Guatemala City. Oxlajuj is thirteen – also a symbol for wholeness and strength, and Ix is the day of the feminine in the Mayan calendar. Combined, they signal holistic feminine strength.

The new organization is building on a legacy of over thirty years of experience of its predecessor, Project Counselling Service (PCS). PCS, which closed its doors in December 2016, had been working in conflict and post-conflict situations in Mesoamerica and the Andes, with an emphasis on strengthening women’s capacities and leadership and supporting migrant populations. CAMEX provides accompaniment tailored to the needs of local community-based organizations in Central America and Mexico. It also organizes exchanges and other learning processes that enable organizations to share knowledge and strategies across borders, CAMEX’s goal is to ensure civil society organizations are effective social actors, able to intercede with governments and defend the rights of the communities in which they are rooted.

Inter Pares’ Latin America Program Managers Guillaume Charbonneau and Bill Fairbairn joined CAMEX’s staff and board members via Skype for part of the assembly and a Mayan ceremony.


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