Lessons Learned in the Pursuit of Gender Justice and Feminist Practice in Burma

resources : Rapports

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Structural change to address root causes of social, political and economic inequalities requires the funding of feminist movements. To that end, the Fund for Global Human Rights and Inter Pares have co-published a new report: Lessons Learned in the Pursuit of Gender Justice and Feminist Practice in Burma. Both organizations hired independent consultants, Lisa Houston and Ginger Norwood, to conduct gender and feminist audits with some of our counterparts, and then to share their analysis in a report.

The report compiles a number of insights and key lessons for supporting movement building and systemic change, with a political analysis that centers gender and its intersection with Indigenous rights. While the specific examples cited in the report are in Burma, the systems of oppression are global, and the report’s recommendations to donors are broadly applicable. New dynamics between donor and recipient are possible with mutual accountability, the sharing of self-reflections, as well as critical analysis and response to the power dynamics of donor and change-agent.

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