Head of Burma counterpart wins international editorial leadership award

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Photo of Nan Paw Gay standing in front of a large screen that says
Crédit: Matthew Pearson

Big congratulations to our collaborator, Nan Paw Gay, winner of the 2024 Women in News Editorial Leadership Award for her contribution to society as editor-in-chief of the Karen Information Center in Burma!

Nan Paw Gay began her journalistic career with the Karen Information Center more than two decades ago, reporting on human rights violations along the Thailand-Burma border. 

Since 2014, we’ve had the honour of supporting the Karen Information Center’s independent, grassroots journalism in a region where ethnic and Indigenous communities’ stories, like those of the Karen people, have been under-valued. Nan Paw Gay has spent her career fostering collaboration among ethnic media outlets in Burma in a range of roles, which currently includes chair both of Burma News International and the newly formed Independent Press Council Myanmar.

Nan Paw Gay’s win is particularly poignant because she must do her work from exile in Thailand.

Right now, Burma is one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a journalist. Under the military junta, the country jails journalists at a rate second only to China. Still, our partners, like Nan Paw Gay at the Karen Information Center, continue producing news, often at significant personal risk, to inform the people of Burma and the international community about what is happening on the ground.

Thank you, Nan Paw Gay, and congrats. 

Learn more about her work.

Support peace and democracy work in Burma by helping to ensure no Canadian company is complicit in the Burma military junta’s war crimes.

Send an email to your MP, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly, and demand the Government of Canada sanction the junta’s largest remaining income source and ensure Canadian companies cannot do business with Burma’s military regime.

Take action now. 



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