Happy International Women's Day: Photo & video gallery

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Group of women holding a sign wishing a happy International Women's Day
Du Bangladesh : des membres de l’un des nombreux groupes de « sans terre » appuyés par Nijra Kori. Elles vous souhaitent une bonne Journée internationale des femmes. Crédit: David Bruer

Our inspiring counterparts from Africa, Latin America, and Asia are committed to gender equality. For International Women’s Day, Inter Pares features, in photos and videos, our colleagues and their remarkable work to promote women's rights, and what motivates them to keep up their struggles.


From Khartoum, Sudan: Asha El-Karib tells us why she is a feminist, and why women’s rights are important to promote.

Asha El-Karib is the Senior Strategic Advisor for the Sudanese Organization for Research and Development (SORD). Since 2007, SORD has worked towards empowering the Sudanese people to actively enjoy their rights as responsible citizens. They focus on engendering democracy, girls’ education, women and the law, and social exclusion.


PCS team

From Central America and Mexico: Inter Pares staff Guillaume Charbonneau (centre) with Project Counselling Service (PCS) team members. PCS addresses migration in Central America, with special attention to the increasing impact of migration on women as well as their activist role on the issue. PCS currently runs the campaign “Women in Migration: Changing the World.”



Dre Junice MelgarFrom the Philippines: Dr. Junice Melgar, director of Likhaan, poses on Parliament Hill. Junice is a prominent health activist from the Philippines. She formed Likhaan, one of the country’s leading women’s health organizations.

Likhaan has fought for women’s reproductive rights since its inception in 1995. Made with the help of Likhaan, the video below by journalist Sonia Narang highlights the difficult decisions and challenges that poor women in the Philippines face. 


Laws of Men: Birth control in the Philippines from GroundTruth on Vimeo.

This short audio tells the story of the passage of the Reproductive Health Law in the Philippines.


Rebecca and Htwe Htwe

From Burma: Inter Pares staff Rebecca (left) and Doris from the Loikaw Safe House, a center for women survivors of violence.

Since the mid-1990s, Inter Pares support women’s organization in Burma. Along with two other women leaders from Burma, Inter Pares has invited Doris in March 2015 to meet with Inter Pares partners, allies, and staff to learn about women's organizing during an election year in Sudan and Canada, and about the history of peace processes in Latin America.


Patricia and Khushi holding a Happy International Women's Day sign

From Bangladesh: Khushi Kabir (right) with Inter Pares staff Patricia Charest while in Canada. Khushi is the director of Nijera Kori, an organization that helps landless groups (such as the one pictured below) to organize themselves, know their rights, and take action for social change.


Women's group in India wishing you a Happy International Women's Day

From Bangladesh: members of one of Nijera Kori's landless groups wish you a Happy International Women's Day.


Maha Babeker and Kathryn Dingle with an IWD sign

From Sudan: Maha ElDirdiri Babeker (left) with Inter Pares staff Kathryn Dingle while in Canada. Maha has worked for Salmmah, an organization committed to empowering women to overcome the structural, political, and legal obstacles to their rights in Sudan.

Read the full story of Salmmah's sudden closure in our recent Bulletin article.


Nelson et Ilsa de Tiniguena


From Guinea-Bissau: Nelson (left) and Ilsa from Tiniguena wish you a Happy International Women’s Day in creole. Tiniguena promotes sustainable livelihoods for rural communities, and encourages women’s action for peace and democracy.


From Manipur, India: Seno Tsuhah from North East Network (NEN) shares her view on gender inequality in this video.

NEN is a small organization based in Nagaland, India. They work on gender’s equality, social justice, and sustainable agriculture. Seno took part of a farmer-to-farmer learning exchange facilitated by Inter Pares last year in Manipur, North East India with farmers from Burma’s Shan State and Sagaing regions.


From Khartoum, Sudan: Fahima Hashim, former Executive Director of Salmmah, shares how feminism transcends geographical boundaries.


From Colombia: Pilar Trujillo is the Executive Director of Project Counselling Service (PCS). During her visit to Ottawa last October, she highlighted the specific role of women in migration issues, and how PCS’ support to grassroots organizations specifically seeks to address and promote women’s rights.


Front-line workers with Colectiva Feminista

From El Salvador: Front-line workers meeting with La Colectiva Feminista. La Colectiva Feminista provides self-care and awareness training sessions to front-line workers who attend to situations of violence against women.


three women holding a banner "Feminist and proud"

From Canada: Kelly Bowden (left) and Melanie Gallant (right) from Oxfam Canada with Inter Pares staff Kathryn Dingle who are proudly claiming their feminism at the Peoples' Social Forum.

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