Activist Fair: Conversations on Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights

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On Monday April 29, Inter Pares invites you to join us for Activist Fair: Conversations on Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights, an enlightening evening of spoken word poetry, discussion, and celebration.

At the Fair, you will have the opportunity to engage with Inter Pares program managers, and special guest María Ysabel Cedano, to learn how people are organizing and mobilizing to protect and provide access to sexual and reproductive health and rights around the world.

We are excited to announce that MayaSpoken will be joining us for the evening to share with us her talent.

And of course, we cannot wait to award the third annual Peter Gillespie Social Justice Award to two Canadian organizations carrying out transformative work to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Doors will open at 6:00 pm and the program will begin at 6:30 pm. We welcome you to bring your friends and family along with you. If you're able to attend, please RSVP here.


Maria Ysabel Cedano is the director of Estudio para la Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer (DEMUS), a feminist non-governmental organization working since 1987 on the defence and protection of women's rights in Peru. A feminist lawyer, María Ysabel contributes her expertise to the legal and media strategies DEMUS uses to expose and critique policies and practices violating women’s rights. María Ysabel also plays an active role in Peru’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered movement, in national progressive politics, and is supporting other social movements.

MayaSpoken is an award winning spoken word artist, singer-songwriter, author, activist, and speaker. At 21 years old, she has already given her first Ted Talk. She is the author of poetry novel Warriors in Broad Daylight and the founder of Tell ‘Em Girl Women’s Spoken Word Showcase and Loud Black Girls, both platforms giving women the space to be themselves unapologetically.

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  • Joanne Jackson
    I would be interested in attending.