Live... The Solidarity Tour

Nouvelles : Mises à jour

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Guatemala: Antigua est la première destination de la tournée.

Inter Pares’ second Solidarity Tour to Guatemala has begun! Participants flew out early the morning of February 18th and will be travelling around the country until February 27th.

Over ten days, the group will visit with human rights defenders, Indigenous and women’s rights activists, and grassroots organizations in four regions of the country.  The group is blogging as they go – follow their journey here.

Guatemala’s 36-year internal armed conflict came to an end in 1996 with the signing of peace accords. Yet for much of the population – in particular the country’s Indigenous peoples who experienced gross and systematic human rights violations – real peace with justice remains elusive. The Solidarity Tour is an immersion into this reality, and an in-person introduction to the decades-long collaboration Inter Pares has maintained with organizations and activists in Guatemala.     

Staff members Bill and Kathryn are accompanying the group, which includes two board members, two youth participants, and six long-time supporters. Staff at our main counterpart in Guatemala, Project Counselling Service, will also spend time travelling with the delegation.

Read more about Inter Pares Solidarity Tours here.

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