
resources : Bulletins

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Activists use #KeepEyesOnSudan across social media to raise awareness about the ongoing war in Sudan and to advocate for international attention and support. And in the early days of the war, all eyes were on Sudan as foreigners raced to leave the country’s capital, Khartoum.

Now, 10 months into the conflict that “turned previously peaceful Sudanese homes into cemeteries … the world is scandalously silent,” said a spokesperson for the UN’s refugee agency.

For 20 years, Inter Pares has partnered with counterpart organizations in Sudan working on peace and democracy, and women’s rights and gender justice. All our colleagues from counterparts based in Khartoum have fled their homes and are now scattered and regrouping across Sudan and neighbouring countries. 

They are asking the world not to forget about them.


What's inside...

What is happening in Sudan? 

When war broke out in Sudan on April 15, 2023, it was sudden, unexpected and decades in the making.The conflict has only intensified since. Thousands of civilians have died caught in the crossfire. Women are at huge risk of sexual violence, with reports of forced marriage, kidnapping and sexual slavery. More than 6 million people have been forced from their homes.

The horrors go on. But so does the resistance.

Holding onto hope: Sudanese youth continue to resist 

When the war started and Ghadir and her colleagues were forced to leave Khartoum, the organization lost touch with its network of youth activists.

To reconnect activists, Ghadir is developing a virtual communications hub – a workspace that isn't restricted by geographical borders. She says Sudanese youth still have hope for the future: “They don't want to lose what they had before the war and what they gained during the revolution." 

"Sudanese people are just forgottem" Q&A with Ilham Ibrahim 

The war in Sudan has been particularly vicious to women. To better understand the war’s impacts on women, we spoke with Ilham Ibrahim, executive director of the Sudanese Organization for Research and Development (SORD), Inter Pares’ longtime counterpart. Ilham spoke to us from Uganda

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