The Future of International Solidarity: Over 100 participants!

Nouvelles : Mises à jour

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Participants at the event
La justice sociale à l'oeuvre : militantes et militants d'ici repensent, ensemble, la solidarité internationale. Crédit: Susanne Ure

On April 30th, over a hundred supporters and activists from Ottawa-Gatineau and around the world joined Inter Pares for its 40th anniversary event, "The Future of International Solidarity: An open dialogue," at the Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health in Ottawa.

The event featured four life-long activists invited to Ottawa specifically for the occasion: Pilar Trujillo, executive director of Project Counselling service from Colombia, Diana Bronson, Executive Director of Food Secure Canada, Aline Zongo, COPAGEN Country Representative, Burkina Faso and Paul Sein Twa, Director and founding member of Karen Environmental and Social Action Network, Burma.

Throughout the afternoon, the speakers and participants shared their stories, their struggles, and discussed the future of international solidarity together.

You weren't able to attend? Discover the best moments by watching the videos that document the main discussions, stories, a ten-minute video on Inter Pares approach, as well as the words of welcome, opening ceremony and traditional closing ceremony! Watch them now

Our 40th anniversary was preceded by our Annual Assembly with Inter Pares members. Sari Tudiver, Inter Pares Chair, and Rita Morbia, Inter Pares Executive Director, both reflected on the past year. Read Sari Tudiver's speaking notes and Rita Morbia's speaking notes.

"We need to stop the pattern of injustice, and take action" said Paul Sein Twa, KESAN


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