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Women's Health, Women's Rights BC Tour 2018 Nouvelles : Mises à jour 31 Aoû 2018 Partager Imprimer cette page Crédit: Inter Pares is eager to welcome two representatives from Likhaan, a feminist women’s health organization in the Philippines, on a tour of six locations in British Columbia beginning on September 23rd. Event details (tour dates and locations) can be found at: www.interpares.ca/likhaanCan2018 or follow #likhaanCan2018 (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram). With support from Inter Pares, and Global Affairs Canada, Likhaan has opened four reproductive health clinics in the Philippines providing women in disadvantaged neighborhoods in Manila and East Samar with access to high-quality and respectful reproductive health services, including family planning, pre-and post-natal care, and birthing services. While in Canada, Inter Pares’ Co-Executive Director, Rita Morbia, and Community Engagement Manager, Jack Hui Litster, will accompany Likhaan’s Lina Bacalando, Community Health Worker, and Joy Salgado, Advocacy Program Coordinator. During the tour they will meet with more than a dozen BC organizations and exchange knowledge and experiences around community organizing, delivering essential sexual and reproductive health services and advocacy on women's rights. the tour will provide a learning opportunity for both Likhaan and the Canadian organizations where the connections made will expand and enrich our global struggle for women’s rights and reproductive justice, building international solidarity. The Likhaan clinics are an excellent showcase of how service delivery combined with community organizing and advocacy can serve as a powerful tool to bring about positive and sustainable change. Identifying root causes of problems and changing systems can improve the lives of women both in Canada and the Philippines. Inter Pares and Likhaan will continue to work together, building solidarity, and learning from each other. Inter Pares’ project with Likhaan, “Innovations in Reducing Maternal Mortality in the Philippines”, is supported by Global Affairs Canada. Notre impact Inter Pares enriches struggle for reproductive justice through learning exchange with Likhaan to Canada En savoir plus Women’s Health, Women’s Rights: In the Philippines, In Canada, and BeyondA learning exchange goes on tourBuilding Solidarity One Conversation at a TimePrime Minister Trudeau Visits Inter Pares Program in the PhilippinesThere's A Powerful Feminist Story Behind This Photo Of Trudeau And A Baby Faire un commentaire You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Votre nom Comment * Sauvegarder Leave this field blank