Inter Pares Film Nights lineup features thought-provoking documentaries on social justice

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Inter Pares film nights
Les Soirées du documentaire engagé : une opportunité d'approfondir vos connaissance et votre engagement sur des enjeux de justice sociale avec des militant(e)s de renommée Crédit: Guillaume Charbonneau

Fall is here, and so is a fresh crop of Inter Pares Film Nights! If you're in the Ottawa area, mark the following dates in your calendar:

  • September 10th, "Secret Trial 5": How did five men spend nearly thirty years in prison combined without ever being charged with a crime? Come learn more about Canada's secretive "security certificates," how they have torn apart the lives of five families, and what they mean for our democracy. Monia Mazigh, coordinator of the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group, will join us for a post-screening conversation on civil liberties in Canada, and on the threats posed by the newly adopted Bill C-51. Learn more.
  • October 1st, "The Price We Pay," Mayfair Theatre: The lid is blown off the dirty world of corporate malfeasance with this incendiary documentary about the dark history and dire present-day reality of big-business tax avoidance, which has seen multinationals depriving governments of trillions of dollars in tax revenues by harboring profits in offshore havens. This screening is organized in collaboration with other Ottawa-based social justice organizations. Learn more.
  • November 12th, "The World According to Monsanto":  This film pieces together the story of an industrial giant who, critics charge, has used lies, collusion with the American government, pressure tactics, and attempted corruption to become one of the world's leading seed manufacturers, spreading genetically modified crops worldwide with no real monitoring of their effects on nature or human health. Lucy Sharratt, coordinator of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, will join us for a post-screening conversation on the state of GMOs and corporate control in Canada. Learn more.
  • December 10th, "Granito: How to nail a dictator": In a stunning milestone for justice in Central America, in 2012 a Guatemalan court charged former dictator Efraín Rios Montt with genocide for his brutal war against the country's Mayan people in the 1980s. "Granito: How to Nail a Dictator" tells the extraordinary story of how a 1983 film, aiding a new generation of human rights activists, helped tip the scales of justice. Joining us for post-screening conversation is the director, Pamela Yates, in conversation with Guillaume Charbonneau, our program manager for Central America. Learn more. 

Unless otherwise indicated, all screenings start at 6:30pm at Inter Pares' offices. 

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