Advocacy is resistance: Navigating anti-LGBTQI+ violence in post-war Guatemala May 23, 2024 | Read more
Canadian coalition calls for urgent action to uphold civil liberties and Charter rights at protests and encampments across the country May 15, 2024 | Read more
Inter Pares joins call for Burma to end use of violence and respect democracy Feb 4, 2021 | Read more
Inter Pares welcomes Canada’s feminist realignment of international assistance Jun 9, 2017 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Stopping the unstoppable: Citizen resistance to exterminator technology in Burkina Faso Sep 4, 2019 | Read more
The Immigrant Workers Centre to receive 2018 Peter Gillespie Social Justice Award Apr 18, 2018 | Read more
“Until We Find Them”: Searching for missing loved ones on the road to the North Mar 11, 2019 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS | Inter Pares and SUWRA launch Canadian civil society working group on Sudan Jun 25, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Advocacy is resistance: Navigating anti-LGBTQI+ violence in post-war Guatemala May 23, 2024 | Read more
Publications & Resources Keywords Resource Type - Any -Annual ReportsArticlesBriefsBulletinsFull Financial StatementsHighlightsOccasional papersPresentationsReportsVideo Issue - Any -AgricultureAidArmed conflictEnvironmentFeminismHealth policyInternal displacementBiodiversityCivil libertiesCorporate accountabilityHealth promotionLandLGBTIQ2+ rightsMigrant labourFood policyFreedom of expressionHealth servicesNatural resourcesTax justiceUndocumented migrantsViolence against womenFood securityGovernanceRefugeesTradeWomen’s healthGenetic engineeringHumanitarian reliefWomen’s leadershipHuman rightsWomen's rightsImpunityIndigenous & ethnic rightsMilitarizationPeacebuildingWomen's Rights & Gender JusticePeace and DemocracyControl Over ResourcesEconomic JusticeFood SovereigntyHealthMigration Region - Any -Africa-Burkina Faso-Ghana-Guinea-Bissau-Kenya-Mali-Senegal-Sudan-TogoAsia-Bangladesh-Burma-India-Malaysia-Philippines-ThailandCanadaLatin America-Colombia-El Salvador-Guatemala-Honduras-Mexico-Peru Submit Sort By: Sort by DateAlphabetical Order AscDesc Results: 32 The Impact of COVID-19 in Canada’s Long-Term Care Homes and Recommendations for Change The report details how COVID-19 exposed serious flaws and urges immediate attention to fix Canada’s long-term care system. HealthCanadaReports Inter Pares Annual Report 2020 - Sustaining Social Justice In our 2020 Annual Report, you will find a look back at a year of sustaining social justice. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaAnnual Reports Informing Youth: Sexual and Reproductive Health during COVID-19 In Informing Youth: Sexual and Reproductive Health during COVID-19, we bring together Erick Bernardo (Likhaan) and Jennifer Gibson (Island Sexual Health) to draw connections between struggles and share strategies to overcome them. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAsiaVideo Inter Pares Annual Report 2019 - Mobilizing for Change In our 2019 Annual Report, you will find a look back at a year of mobilizing for change. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaAnnual Reports Building Momentum Building Momentum explores our new cross-geographic program and explains how counterparts will expand their programming on SRHR. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaBulletins The Purple Wave: Health on the Margins This series of five short videos gives an up-close look at how Likhaan uses alternative, community-based health programs and advocacy to promote women’s reproductive health and well-being. HealthAsiaVideo Stories of Hope Enjoy five amazing stories of hope brought to life through the words of five inspiring activists. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaVideo Inter Pares Annual Report 2017 - The People of Inter Pares In this year's Annual Report, we highlight the people of Inter Pares. Meet some of our counterparts, a donor, a staff and a board member, all part of the Inter Pares community. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaAnnual Reports Highlights 2017 Inter Pares supports local activist organizations to build a more equal world. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaHighlights Inter Pares Annual Report 2016 - Hope at the Grassroots We are pleased to announce that our Annual Report 2016 is out! This year, we reflect on the many sources of hope upon which we at Inter Pares draw during challenging political times. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaAnnual Reports Women's Health & Women's Rights This bulletin highlights the excellent work of our counterparts in reproductive and sexual health of women and girls in the Philippines, in-depth training for midwives in Burma and the unveiling of forced sterilizations committed in Peru. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAsiaBulletins Inter Pares Annual Report 2015 - Civil society: Holding governments to account This Annual Report gives an overview of some of the watershed moments experienced by our counterparts during which they held governments to account for some of the root causes of inequality. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaAnnual Reports Working for Change Among Equals This bulletin is about the future of international solidarity, the importance of exposure trips in Inter Pares' approach, the role of political leadership in universal healthcare. Women’s healthWomen’s leadershipPeace and DemocracyAfricaBulletins Burma programming - Past and Future For over 20 years, Inter Pares has collaborated with local groups in Burma and neighbouring countries. Peace and DemocracyBurmaReports Inter Pares Annual Report 2014 – Forty years of global solidarity This Annual Report looks back at some of what we, our counterparts in the South, and our supporters and collaborators in Canada have achieved over those decades. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaAnnual Reports Connecting the Dots: The power of people meeting people This bulletin presents how Inter Pares link individuals and organizations from Canada, the Philippines, Guatemala, India and West Africa. Women’s healthHuman rightsAgricultureBiodiversityGenetic engineeringHealthAfricaBulletins Women's Health in the Philippines: Interview with Dr. Junice Melgar Junice Melgar is a prominent health activist from the Philippines. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAsiaVideo Health Workers with Grassroots Responses to Crisis This bulletin is about disasters and disease outbreaks that demand a response. Inter Pares counterparts are ideally placed to provide effective solutions. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAsiaBulletins Inter Pares Annual Report 2013 – Globalize Equality This Annual Report reflects the depth of the collaboration we develop with our counterparts in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Canada. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaAnnual Reports Kiko dela Tonga: Organizing for Women's Health Hear Kiko dela Tonga describe Inter Pares’ collaboration with Likhaan, a national women's health organization in the Philippines. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeVideo Women Leading the Way to Justice Women’s rights and leadership is at the core of Inter Pares’ approach to social justice and international cooperation. Women’s leadershipWomen's rightsFood SovereigntyAfricaBulletins Dr. Cynthia Maung: A model for women’s leadership Dr. Cynthia provides critical healthcare to Burmese refugees at the Mae Tao Clinic near the Burma border in Thailand. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAsiaVideo Rejecting the Cult of Austerity This Bulletin examines the possibilities enabled by fair and just taxation policies, in Canada and in the South. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAsiaBulletins Building the Foundations of Peace in Burma In this Bulletin, we describe our Burma work - building the foundation for the dream of sustainable peace. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAsiaBulletins Health Care in Paradise An exchange between Likhaan in the Philippines and the Mae Tao Clinic on the Burma-Thai border. Women’s healthHealthAsiaVideo Health is Always Political People feel their poverty less when they have the skills to influence social institutions to meet their demands. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaBulletins Learning and Acting Together Canadian officials and politicians appreciate having access to perspectives and voices they otherwise would not have heard. Violence against womenPeace and DemocracyAfricaBulletins The Future is Now Young people in Peru, in Sudan, in the Philippines, and in Canada are building the future they want, now. Women's rightsHuman rightsFood SovereigntyAfricaBulletins Bearing Witness: The struggle for democracy in Burma Inter Pares has worked with civil society organizations in Burma since 1992. Peace and DemocracyBurmaBulletins Economic Justice: Sharing the collective wealth Achieving equity requires that people who are benefiting today from inequity be prepared to give up some of their benefits. Economic JusticeAfricaBulletins Lessons from the Philippines: Public Health, Privatization, and Women's Activism Public health care globally has been privatized and downsized, and even less accessible to those who need it most Women’s healthHealthAsiaPresentations Women and Pharmaceuticals: Twenty Years Later A Toronto Symposium organized to honor and celebrate the achievements of Ruth Cooperstock. Women’s healthHealthCanadaReports
The Impact of COVID-19 in Canada’s Long-Term Care Homes and Recommendations for Change The report details how COVID-19 exposed serious flaws and urges immediate attention to fix Canada’s long-term care system. HealthCanadaReports
Inter Pares Annual Report 2020 - Sustaining Social Justice In our 2020 Annual Report, you will find a look back at a year of sustaining social justice. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaAnnual Reports
Informing Youth: Sexual and Reproductive Health during COVID-19 In Informing Youth: Sexual and Reproductive Health during COVID-19, we bring together Erick Bernardo (Likhaan) and Jennifer Gibson (Island Sexual Health) to draw connections between struggles and share strategies to overcome them. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAsiaVideo
Inter Pares Annual Report 2019 - Mobilizing for Change In our 2019 Annual Report, you will find a look back at a year of mobilizing for change. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaAnnual Reports
Building Momentum Building Momentum explores our new cross-geographic program and explains how counterparts will expand their programming on SRHR. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaBulletins
The Purple Wave: Health on the Margins This series of five short videos gives an up-close look at how Likhaan uses alternative, community-based health programs and advocacy to promote women’s reproductive health and well-being. HealthAsiaVideo
Stories of Hope Enjoy five amazing stories of hope brought to life through the words of five inspiring activists. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaVideo
Inter Pares Annual Report 2017 - The People of Inter Pares In this year's Annual Report, we highlight the people of Inter Pares. Meet some of our counterparts, a donor, a staff and a board member, all part of the Inter Pares community. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaAnnual Reports
Highlights 2017 Inter Pares supports local activist organizations to build a more equal world. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaHighlights
Inter Pares Annual Report 2016 - Hope at the Grassroots We are pleased to announce that our Annual Report 2016 is out! This year, we reflect on the many sources of hope upon which we at Inter Pares draw during challenging political times. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaAnnual Reports
Women's Health & Women's Rights This bulletin highlights the excellent work of our counterparts in reproductive and sexual health of women and girls in the Philippines, in-depth training for midwives in Burma and the unveiling of forced sterilizations committed in Peru. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAsiaBulletins
Inter Pares Annual Report 2015 - Civil society: Holding governments to account This Annual Report gives an overview of some of the watershed moments experienced by our counterparts during which they held governments to account for some of the root causes of inequality. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaAnnual Reports
Working for Change Among Equals This bulletin is about the future of international solidarity, the importance of exposure trips in Inter Pares' approach, the role of political leadership in universal healthcare. Women’s healthWomen’s leadershipPeace and DemocracyAfricaBulletins
Burma programming - Past and Future For over 20 years, Inter Pares has collaborated with local groups in Burma and neighbouring countries. Peace and DemocracyBurmaReports
Inter Pares Annual Report 2014 – Forty years of global solidarity This Annual Report looks back at some of what we, our counterparts in the South, and our supporters and collaborators in Canada have achieved over those decades. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaAnnual Reports
Connecting the Dots: The power of people meeting people This bulletin presents how Inter Pares link individuals and organizations from Canada, the Philippines, Guatemala, India and West Africa. Women’s healthHuman rightsAgricultureBiodiversityGenetic engineeringHealthAfricaBulletins
Women's Health in the Philippines: Interview with Dr. Junice Melgar Junice Melgar is a prominent health activist from the Philippines. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAsiaVideo
Health Workers with Grassroots Responses to Crisis This bulletin is about disasters and disease outbreaks that demand a response. Inter Pares counterparts are ideally placed to provide effective solutions. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAsiaBulletins
Inter Pares Annual Report 2013 – Globalize Equality This Annual Report reflects the depth of the collaboration we develop with our counterparts in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Canada. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaAnnual Reports
Kiko dela Tonga: Organizing for Women's Health Hear Kiko dela Tonga describe Inter Pares’ collaboration with Likhaan, a national women's health organization in the Philippines. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeVideo
Women Leading the Way to Justice Women’s rights and leadership is at the core of Inter Pares’ approach to social justice and international cooperation. Women’s leadershipWomen's rightsFood SovereigntyAfricaBulletins
Dr. Cynthia Maung: A model for women’s leadership Dr. Cynthia provides critical healthcare to Burmese refugees at the Mae Tao Clinic near the Burma border in Thailand. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAsiaVideo
Rejecting the Cult of Austerity This Bulletin examines the possibilities enabled by fair and just taxation policies, in Canada and in the South. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAsiaBulletins
Building the Foundations of Peace in Burma In this Bulletin, we describe our Burma work - building the foundation for the dream of sustainable peace. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAsiaBulletins
Health Care in Paradise An exchange between Likhaan in the Philippines and the Mae Tao Clinic on the Burma-Thai border. Women’s healthHealthAsiaVideo
Health is Always Political People feel their poverty less when they have the skills to influence social institutions to meet their demands. Women's Rights & Gender JusticeAfricaBulletins
Learning and Acting Together Canadian officials and politicians appreciate having access to perspectives and voices they otherwise would not have heard. Violence against womenPeace and DemocracyAfricaBulletins
The Future is Now Young people in Peru, in Sudan, in the Philippines, and in Canada are building the future they want, now. Women's rightsHuman rightsFood SovereigntyAfricaBulletins
Bearing Witness: The struggle for democracy in Burma Inter Pares has worked with civil society organizations in Burma since 1992. Peace and DemocracyBurmaBulletins
Economic Justice: Sharing the collective wealth Achieving equity requires that people who are benefiting today from inequity be prepared to give up some of their benefits. Economic JusticeAfricaBulletins
Lessons from the Philippines: Public Health, Privatization, and Women's Activism Public health care globally has been privatized and downsized, and even less accessible to those who need it most Women’s healthHealthAsiaPresentations
Women and Pharmaceuticals: Twenty Years Later A Toronto Symposium organized to honor and celebrate the achievements of Ruth Cooperstock. Women’s healthHealthCanadaReports