Behind the scenes of LGBTQI+ Advocacy: A mental health conversation with Valentina Parra Oct 21, 2024 | Read more
Joint statement on Canada's support for women human rights defenders in Saudi Arabia Aug 10, 2018 | Read more
Behind the scenes of LGBTQI+ Advocacy: A mental health conversation with Valentina Parra Oct 21, 2024 | Read more
“Until We Find Them”: Searching for missing loved ones on the road to the North Mar 11, 2019 | Read more
Inter Pares welcomes Canada’s feminist realignment of international assistance Jun 9, 2017 | Read more
Canadian Government Breaks Promise to Create Independent Corporate Human Rights Watchdog Apr 9, 2019 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Stopping the unstoppable: Citizen resistance to exterminator technology in Burkina Faso Sep 4, 2019 | Read more
Behind the scenes of LGBTQI+ Advocacy: A mental health conversation with Valentina Parra Oct 21, 2024 | Read more
“Until We Find Them”: Searching for missing loved ones on the road to the North Mar 11, 2019 | Read more
The Immigrant Workers Centre to receive 2018 Peter Gillespie Social Justice Award Apr 18, 2018 | Read more
“Until We Find Them”: Searching for missing loved ones on the road to the North Mar 11, 2019 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS | Inter Pares and SUWRA launch Canadian civil society working group on Sudan Jun 25, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Behind the scenes of LGBTQI+ Advocacy: A mental health conversation with Valentina Parra Oct 21, 2024 | Read more
Behind the scenes of LGBTQI+ Advocacy: A mental health conversation with Valentina Parra Oct 21, 2024 | Read more
Advocacy is resistance: Navigating anti-LGBTQI+ violence in post-war Guatemala May 23, 2024 | Read more
Publications & Resources Keywords Resource Type - Any -Annual ReportsArticlesBriefsBulletinsFull Financial StatementsHighlightsOccasional papersPresentationsReportsVideo Issue - Any -AgricultureAidArmed conflictEnvironmentFeminismHealth policyInternal displacementBiodiversityCivil libertiesCorporate accountabilityHealth promotionLandMigrant labourQueer & Trans RightsFood policyFreedom of expressionHealth servicesNatural resourcesTax justiceUndocumented migrantsViolence against womenFood securityGovernanceRefugeesTradeWomen’s healthGenetic engineeringHumanitarian reliefWomen’s leadershipHuman rightsWomen's rightsImpunityIndigenous & ethnic rightsMilitarizationPeacebuildingGender Justice & Women's RightsPeace and DemocracyControl Over ResourcesEconomic JusticeFood & Climate JusticeHealthMigration Region - Any -Africa-Burkina Faso-Ghana-Guinea-Bissau-Kenya-Mali-Senegal-Sudan-TogoAsia-Bangladesh-Burma-India-Malaysia-Philippines-ThailandCanadaLatin America-Colombia-El Salvador-Guatemala-Honduras-Mexico-Peru Submit Sort By: Sort by DateAlphabetical Order AscDesc Results: 207 Inter Pares Submission to the Canada Revenue Agency Consultation on Guidance CG-027 on Public policy dialogue and development activities by charities Inter Pares has long called for the Canadian government to uphold the crucial role of charities in public debate and in Canadian society at large. Briefs 2018 Full Financial Statements These are our full financial statements for 2018. Full Financial Statements On the Move: The search for a better life Why do people move? And what does it mean to be on the move? Explore the complexities of migration. Food & Climate JusticeAfricaBulletins Highlights 2018 Inter Pares supports local activist organizations to build a more equal world. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaHighlights Stories of Hope Enjoy five amazing stories of hope brought to life through the words of five inspiring activists. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaVideo Faces of Courage Take a closer look at courage - what it is, what it looks like, and the risks facing defenders around the world. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaBulletins Feminism and the Economic System Explore the intersection of feminism and economics, including how wealth is generated, distributed, and to whose benefit. Gender Justice & Women's RightsCanadaBulletins Karen Women's Organization & Inter Pares: A relationship based on shared values Inter Pares has an extensive program on Burma, in which we have been collaborating with the Karen Women's Organization (KWO) since 2000. We asked two KWO leaders, Naw K'nyaw Paw and Naw Zipporah Sein, to speak about the nature of our collaboration. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsiaVideo Burma's Forgotten Wars In our June 2018 edition, Samantha McGavin, Asia Program Manager, shares photos and reflections from her then-recent trip in Burma. Peace and DemocracyAsiaBulletins Uprooting Inequality Brief The Food Security Policy Group urges Canada to focus on small-scale farming to achieve gender equality and empowerment of women. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaReports 2017 Full Financial Statements These are our full financial statements for 2017. Full Financial Statements Inter Pares Annual Report 2017 - The People of Inter Pares In this year's Annual Report, we highlight the people of Inter Pares. Meet some of our counterparts, a donor, a staff and a board member, all part of the Inter Pares community. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaAnnual Reports Rape by Command A new report details Burmese Army’s use of rape as a weapon against the Rohingya women and girls. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsiaReports Pride in our work Sexual orientation and gender identity are integral aspects of our selves and should never lead to discrimination or abuse. Inter Pares bulletin “Pride in our Work” highlights our support for LGBTQ2 people’s rights, and our work with activists representing a multiplicity of identities and issues. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsiaBulletins Highlights 2017 Inter Pares supports local activist organizations to build a more equal world. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaHighlights Stories of Struggle Meet Narsamma, Najwa, Adriana, and Marcela, the women at the heart of our Stories of Struggle campaign. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaVideo Behind the scenes at Inter Pares In this issue, we invite you behind the scenes at Inter Pares. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsiaBulletins A New Vision for Land in Burma Sai Khur Hseng is an activist who works closely with local community groups in Burma who stand up for customary land tenure systems that protect their land and the environment. Peace and DemocracyAsiaVideo Deeper Change in Burma: Working Towards Inclusive Democracy In this issue, we report on the situation in Burma regarding democracy and human rights. Violence against womenPeace and DemocracyAsiaBulletins Inter Pares Annual Report 2016 - Hope at the Grassroots We are pleased to announce that our Annual Report 2016 is out! This year, we reflect on the many sources of hope upon which we at Inter Pares draw during challenging political times. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaAnnual Reports 2016 Full Financial Statements These are our full financial statements for 2016. Full Financial Statements Improving Canada’s Contribution to Women’s Access to Land in Africa How is it some rights are protected and some not, some laws enforced and some not? Women farmers grow 70% of Africa’s food but often have few rights to land. Massive land grabs by elites and foreign corporations are making the situation worse. Inter Pares’ Jean Symes recently spoke on an expert panel to a conference about how Canada can support African women farmers to keep their land. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaPresentations The World Through a Feminist Lens In this bulletin, we explore our feminist approach, and what it means for activists around the world. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaBulletins International Women's Day (IWD) 2016 This video was created by Inter Pares staff member Rebecca Wolsak and screened at the 2016 International Women's Day celebration in Ottawa. It blends humour and serious introspection to review the past year's feminist highlights and lowlights at the local, national, and international levels, and contemplates the year to come. Gender Justice & Women's RightsCanadaVideo Meet Anna - Inter Pares' youngest monthly donor 10-year-old Anna is making a difference as an Inter Pares Sustaining Donor. Join her in globalizing equality every month by signing up today! Gender Justice & Women's RightsCanadaVideo Warren Allmand: "Anti-Terrorism and Human Rights" Warren Allmand, prominent international human rights consultant and member of the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG), of which Inter Pares is a founding member, delivered the keynote address to Inter Pares' Annual General Meeting in April 2007. Under the theme of "Anti-Terrorism and Human Rights," Warren Allmand offered his reflections on the conclusions of the Arar Commission and criticized the current security establishment, which is increasingly threatening our rights and freedoms rather than protecting them. Peace and DemocracyCanadaVideo Highlights 2016 Globally, Inter Pares works with organizations engaged in building a more equitable world. Here are some highlights of what we’ve accomplished together in 2016. AfricaHighlights The Cotton Reality This 5-minute video, produced by the Community Media Trust of the Deccan Development Society (DDS) in India, contrasts the great benefits to small-scale farmers of ecological agriculture compared to input-intensive monoculture and genetically engineered crops. Video Women Who Inspire This bulletin celebrates women's leadership and Inter Pares' commitment to feminism and gender equality. Gender Justice & Women's RightsBulletins Inter Pares' submission to Global Affairs Canada's 2016 International Assistance Review (IAR) Between May and July 2016, Global Affairs Canada conducted an extensive review of its development policies, known as the International Assistance Review (IAR). The review was an opportunity for civil society organizations and for Canadians to offer their views on how Canada can take action on poverty and inequality abroad. AidCanadaBriefs Women in War, Women in Peace In this issue : No True Peace Without the Voices of Women Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaBulletins A Feminist Approach to Canada's International Assistance This brief, submitted to Canada's International Assistance Review in July 2016, seeks to build a common understanding of feminist approaches to international assistance, to assess the challenges, gaps and opportunities in Global Affairs Canada’s approach, and to develop a set of practical recommendations for implementing a feminist approach. Gender Justice & Women's RightsBriefs Women's Health & Women's Rights This bulletin highlights the excellent work of our counterparts in reproductive and sexual health of women and girls in the Philippines, in-depth training for midwives in Burma and the unveiling of forced sterilizations committed in Peru. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsiaBulletins Video of "From the Land: Reconciliation in action in Canada and Colombia" On April 25th, Inter Pares held its 2016 Speakers Series event, "From the Land: Reconciliation in action in Canada and Colombia." Relive or discover this event by watching the video. Peace and DemocracyCanadaVideo Inter Pares Annual Report 2015 - Civil society: Holding governments to account This Annual Report gives an overview of some of the watershed moments experienced by our counterparts during which they held governments to account for some of the root causes of inequality. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaAnnual Reports 2015 Full Financial Statements Inter Pares' Full Financial Statements for 2015 Full Financial Statements Presentation on Women, Peace and Security for the SCFAID Bill Fairbairn, Inter Pares Program Manager, Latin America, testified before the parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development on April 12th, 2016, during its study on women, peace and security. Gender Justice & Women's RightsLatin AmericaPresentations World March of Women 2015, Outaouais delegation This video of the World March of Women from Outaouais shares voices of participants who tell us why in 2015, we still need to march. Gender Justice & Women's RightsCanadaVideo What Does it Take to Leave Home? This bulletin offers stories and reflections on challenges faced in Burma, Honduras, and by women coming to Canada. Gender Justice & Women's RightsBurmaCanadaBulletins Final Report of the International Verification Mission on the Human Rights of the Honduran Migrant Population and Their Right to International Protection In order to shed light on Honduras's under-reported mass migration, PCS organized a delegation of six international experts to investigate the situation. Taking their report to national and international authorities in the summer of 2015, PCS helped reveal these horrendous realities, pressuring local governments and international institutions to address those issues. Gender Justice & Women's RightsLatin AmericaReports 2015 Highlights Here are some highlights of what we’ve accomplished with our counterparts around the world in 2015. Violence against womenWomen’s healthWomen’s leadershipWomen's rightsHuman rightsIndigenous & ethnic rightsPeacebuildingEnvironmentLandNatural resourcesAgricultureBiodiversityFood policyFood securityHealth servicesUndocumented migrantsAfricaHighlights Foreign Pension Funds and Land Grabbing in Brazil Swedish, US and Canadian pension funds have acquired farmlands in Brazil by way of a Brazilian businessman accused of using violence and fraud to displace small farmers. These pension funds are also using complex company structures that have the effect of evading Brazilian laws restricting foreign investments in farmland. Peace and DemocracyCanadaReports Working for Change Among Equals This bulletin is about the future of international solidarity, the importance of exposure trips in Inter Pares' approach, the role of political leadership in universal healthcare. Women’s healthWomen’s leadershipPeace and DemocracyAfricaBulletins GMO cotton failure in Burkina Faso: Farmers speak out For two years, over 500 farmers from the different cotton-growing regions in Burkina Faso documented their experience with Monsanto’s Bt cotton. This three-year farmer-led research initiative, called “Bt Cotton and Us: The Truth from our Fields,” provides an important counterbalance, as Burkina Faso was the first country in West Africa to adopt genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and industry often lauds its success when promoting GMOs in other countries. Food & Climate JusticeAfricaVideo Defending Land and Livelihood This bulletin shows how Inter Pares is supporting communities to find justice in Bangladesh and Burkina Faso. It also examines the human abuses perpetrated against migrant workers here in Canada. Women’s leadershipGovernanceHuman rightsControl Over ResourcesAfricaBulletins Defending the Right to Defend Rights This bulletin is about the importance of promoting citizen's rights to defend rights around the world, with specific examples from Canada, Guinea-Bissau, and El Salvador. Violence against womenPeace and DemocracyGuinea-BissauCanadaBulletins Burma programming - Past and Future For over 20 years, Inter Pares has collaborated with local groups in Burma and neighbouring countries. Peace and DemocracyBurmaReports The Future of International Solidarity: an open dialogue - Videos Live again or discover the highlights of Inter Pares 40th anniversary event by watching these videos. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaVideo Inter Pares' 2015 Annual General Meeting - Chair speaking notes The speaking notes from Sari Tudiver, Chair of Inter Pares' Board of Directors, at Inter Pares 2015 Annual General Meeting. Presentations Inter Pares' 2015 Annual General Meeting - Executive Director speaking notes Executive Director Rita Morbia's speaking notes at Inter Pares 2015 Annual General Meeting. CanadaPresentations « first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 5 next › last »
Inter Pares Submission to the Canada Revenue Agency Consultation on Guidance CG-027 on Public policy dialogue and development activities by charities Inter Pares has long called for the Canadian government to uphold the crucial role of charities in public debate and in Canadian society at large. Briefs
2018 Full Financial Statements These are our full financial statements for 2018. Full Financial Statements
On the Move: The search for a better life Why do people move? And what does it mean to be on the move? Explore the complexities of migration. Food & Climate JusticeAfricaBulletins
Highlights 2018 Inter Pares supports local activist organizations to build a more equal world. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaHighlights
Stories of Hope Enjoy five amazing stories of hope brought to life through the words of five inspiring activists. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaVideo
Faces of Courage Take a closer look at courage - what it is, what it looks like, and the risks facing defenders around the world. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaBulletins
Feminism and the Economic System Explore the intersection of feminism and economics, including how wealth is generated, distributed, and to whose benefit. Gender Justice & Women's RightsCanadaBulletins
Karen Women's Organization & Inter Pares: A relationship based on shared values Inter Pares has an extensive program on Burma, in which we have been collaborating with the Karen Women's Organization (KWO) since 2000. We asked two KWO leaders, Naw K'nyaw Paw and Naw Zipporah Sein, to speak about the nature of our collaboration. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsiaVideo
Burma's Forgotten Wars In our June 2018 edition, Samantha McGavin, Asia Program Manager, shares photos and reflections from her then-recent trip in Burma. Peace and DemocracyAsiaBulletins
Uprooting Inequality Brief The Food Security Policy Group urges Canada to focus on small-scale farming to achieve gender equality and empowerment of women. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaReports
2017 Full Financial Statements These are our full financial statements for 2017. Full Financial Statements
Inter Pares Annual Report 2017 - The People of Inter Pares In this year's Annual Report, we highlight the people of Inter Pares. Meet some of our counterparts, a donor, a staff and a board member, all part of the Inter Pares community. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaAnnual Reports
Rape by Command A new report details Burmese Army’s use of rape as a weapon against the Rohingya women and girls. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsiaReports
Pride in our work Sexual orientation and gender identity are integral aspects of our selves and should never lead to discrimination or abuse. Inter Pares bulletin “Pride in our Work” highlights our support for LGBTQ2 people’s rights, and our work with activists representing a multiplicity of identities and issues. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsiaBulletins
Highlights 2017 Inter Pares supports local activist organizations to build a more equal world. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaHighlights
Stories of Struggle Meet Narsamma, Najwa, Adriana, and Marcela, the women at the heart of our Stories of Struggle campaign. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaVideo
Behind the scenes at Inter Pares In this issue, we invite you behind the scenes at Inter Pares. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsiaBulletins
A New Vision for Land in Burma Sai Khur Hseng is an activist who works closely with local community groups in Burma who stand up for customary land tenure systems that protect their land and the environment. Peace and DemocracyAsiaVideo
Deeper Change in Burma: Working Towards Inclusive Democracy In this issue, we report on the situation in Burma regarding democracy and human rights. Violence against womenPeace and DemocracyAsiaBulletins
Inter Pares Annual Report 2016 - Hope at the Grassroots We are pleased to announce that our Annual Report 2016 is out! This year, we reflect on the many sources of hope upon which we at Inter Pares draw during challenging political times. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaAnnual Reports
2016 Full Financial Statements These are our full financial statements for 2016. Full Financial Statements
Improving Canada’s Contribution to Women’s Access to Land in Africa How is it some rights are protected and some not, some laws enforced and some not? Women farmers grow 70% of Africa’s food but often have few rights to land. Massive land grabs by elites and foreign corporations are making the situation worse. Inter Pares’ Jean Symes recently spoke on an expert panel to a conference about how Canada can support African women farmers to keep their land. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaPresentations
The World Through a Feminist Lens In this bulletin, we explore our feminist approach, and what it means for activists around the world. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaBulletins
International Women's Day (IWD) 2016 This video was created by Inter Pares staff member Rebecca Wolsak and screened at the 2016 International Women's Day celebration in Ottawa. It blends humour and serious introspection to review the past year's feminist highlights and lowlights at the local, national, and international levels, and contemplates the year to come. Gender Justice & Women's RightsCanadaVideo
Meet Anna - Inter Pares' youngest monthly donor 10-year-old Anna is making a difference as an Inter Pares Sustaining Donor. Join her in globalizing equality every month by signing up today! Gender Justice & Women's RightsCanadaVideo
Warren Allmand: "Anti-Terrorism and Human Rights" Warren Allmand, prominent international human rights consultant and member of the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG), of which Inter Pares is a founding member, delivered the keynote address to Inter Pares' Annual General Meeting in April 2007. Under the theme of "Anti-Terrorism and Human Rights," Warren Allmand offered his reflections on the conclusions of the Arar Commission and criticized the current security establishment, which is increasingly threatening our rights and freedoms rather than protecting them. Peace and DemocracyCanadaVideo
Highlights 2016 Globally, Inter Pares works with organizations engaged in building a more equitable world. Here are some highlights of what we’ve accomplished together in 2016. AfricaHighlights
The Cotton Reality This 5-minute video, produced by the Community Media Trust of the Deccan Development Society (DDS) in India, contrasts the great benefits to small-scale farmers of ecological agriculture compared to input-intensive monoculture and genetically engineered crops. Video
Women Who Inspire This bulletin celebrates women's leadership and Inter Pares' commitment to feminism and gender equality. Gender Justice & Women's RightsBulletins
Inter Pares' submission to Global Affairs Canada's 2016 International Assistance Review (IAR) Between May and July 2016, Global Affairs Canada conducted an extensive review of its development policies, known as the International Assistance Review (IAR). The review was an opportunity for civil society organizations and for Canadians to offer their views on how Canada can take action on poverty and inequality abroad. AidCanadaBriefs
Women in War, Women in Peace In this issue : No True Peace Without the Voices of Women Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaBulletins
A Feminist Approach to Canada's International Assistance This brief, submitted to Canada's International Assistance Review in July 2016, seeks to build a common understanding of feminist approaches to international assistance, to assess the challenges, gaps and opportunities in Global Affairs Canada’s approach, and to develop a set of practical recommendations for implementing a feminist approach. Gender Justice & Women's RightsBriefs
Women's Health & Women's Rights This bulletin highlights the excellent work of our counterparts in reproductive and sexual health of women and girls in the Philippines, in-depth training for midwives in Burma and the unveiling of forced sterilizations committed in Peru. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsiaBulletins
Video of "From the Land: Reconciliation in action in Canada and Colombia" On April 25th, Inter Pares held its 2016 Speakers Series event, "From the Land: Reconciliation in action in Canada and Colombia." Relive or discover this event by watching the video. Peace and DemocracyCanadaVideo
Inter Pares Annual Report 2015 - Civil society: Holding governments to account This Annual Report gives an overview of some of the watershed moments experienced by our counterparts during which they held governments to account for some of the root causes of inequality. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaAnnual Reports
2015 Full Financial Statements Inter Pares' Full Financial Statements for 2015 Full Financial Statements
Presentation on Women, Peace and Security for the SCFAID Bill Fairbairn, Inter Pares Program Manager, Latin America, testified before the parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development on April 12th, 2016, during its study on women, peace and security. Gender Justice & Women's RightsLatin AmericaPresentations
World March of Women 2015, Outaouais delegation This video of the World March of Women from Outaouais shares voices of participants who tell us why in 2015, we still need to march. Gender Justice & Women's RightsCanadaVideo
What Does it Take to Leave Home? This bulletin offers stories and reflections on challenges faced in Burma, Honduras, and by women coming to Canada. Gender Justice & Women's RightsBurmaCanadaBulletins
Final Report of the International Verification Mission on the Human Rights of the Honduran Migrant Population and Their Right to International Protection In order to shed light on Honduras's under-reported mass migration, PCS organized a delegation of six international experts to investigate the situation. Taking their report to national and international authorities in the summer of 2015, PCS helped reveal these horrendous realities, pressuring local governments and international institutions to address those issues. Gender Justice & Women's RightsLatin AmericaReports
2015 Highlights Here are some highlights of what we’ve accomplished with our counterparts around the world in 2015. Violence against womenWomen’s healthWomen’s leadershipWomen's rightsHuman rightsIndigenous & ethnic rightsPeacebuildingEnvironmentLandNatural resourcesAgricultureBiodiversityFood policyFood securityHealth servicesUndocumented migrantsAfricaHighlights
Foreign Pension Funds and Land Grabbing in Brazil Swedish, US and Canadian pension funds have acquired farmlands in Brazil by way of a Brazilian businessman accused of using violence and fraud to displace small farmers. These pension funds are also using complex company structures that have the effect of evading Brazilian laws restricting foreign investments in farmland. Peace and DemocracyCanadaReports
Working for Change Among Equals This bulletin is about the future of international solidarity, the importance of exposure trips in Inter Pares' approach, the role of political leadership in universal healthcare. Women’s healthWomen’s leadershipPeace and DemocracyAfricaBulletins
GMO cotton failure in Burkina Faso: Farmers speak out For two years, over 500 farmers from the different cotton-growing regions in Burkina Faso documented their experience with Monsanto’s Bt cotton. This three-year farmer-led research initiative, called “Bt Cotton and Us: The Truth from our Fields,” provides an important counterbalance, as Burkina Faso was the first country in West Africa to adopt genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and industry often lauds its success when promoting GMOs in other countries. Food & Climate JusticeAfricaVideo
Defending Land and Livelihood This bulletin shows how Inter Pares is supporting communities to find justice in Bangladesh and Burkina Faso. It also examines the human abuses perpetrated against migrant workers here in Canada. Women’s leadershipGovernanceHuman rightsControl Over ResourcesAfricaBulletins
Defending the Right to Defend Rights This bulletin is about the importance of promoting citizen's rights to defend rights around the world, with specific examples from Canada, Guinea-Bissau, and El Salvador. Violence against womenPeace and DemocracyGuinea-BissauCanadaBulletins
Burma programming - Past and Future For over 20 years, Inter Pares has collaborated with local groups in Burma and neighbouring countries. Peace and DemocracyBurmaReports
The Future of International Solidarity: an open dialogue - Videos Live again or discover the highlights of Inter Pares 40th anniversary event by watching these videos. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaVideo
Inter Pares' 2015 Annual General Meeting - Chair speaking notes The speaking notes from Sari Tudiver, Chair of Inter Pares' Board of Directors, at Inter Pares 2015 Annual General Meeting. Presentations
Inter Pares' 2015 Annual General Meeting - Executive Director speaking notes Executive Director Rita Morbia's speaking notes at Inter Pares 2015 Annual General Meeting. CanadaPresentations