Publications & Resources

Results: 205

Pride in our work

Sexual orientation and gender identity are integral aspects of our selves and should never lead to discrimination or abuse. Inter Pares bulletin “Pride in our Work” highlights our support for LGBTQ2 people’s rights, and our work with activists representing a multiplicity of identities and issues.

Improving Canada’s Contribution to Women’s Access to Land in Africa

How is it some rights are protected and some not, some laws enforced and some not? Women farmers grow 70% of Africa’s food but often have few rights to land. Massive land grabs by elites and foreign corporations are making the situation worse. Inter Pares’ Jean Symes recently spoke on an expert panel to a conference about how Canada can support African women farmers to keep their land.

International Women's Day (IWD) 2016

This video was created by Inter Pares staff member Rebecca Wolsak and screened at the 2016 International Women's Day celebration in Ottawa. It blends humour and serious introspection to review the past year's feminist highlights and lowlights at the local, national, and international levels, and contemplates the year to come.

Warren Allmand: "Anti-Terrorism and Human Rights"

Warren Allmand, prominent international human rights consultant and member of the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG), of which Inter Pares is a founding member, delivered the keynote address to Inter Pares' Annual General Meeting in April 2007. Under the theme of "Anti-Terrorism and Human Rights," Warren Allmand offered his reflections on the conclusions of the Arar Commission and criticized the current security establishment, which is increasingly threatening our rights and freedoms rather than protecting them.

Highlights 2016

Globally, Inter Pares works with organizations engaged in building a more equitable world. Here are some highlights of what we’ve accomplished together in 2016.

The Cotton Reality

This 5-minute video, produced by the Community Media Trust of the Deccan Development Society (DDS) in India, contrasts the great benefits to small-scale farmers of ecological agriculture compared to input-intensive monoculture and genetically engineered crops.

Final Report of the International Verification Mission on the Human Rights of the Honduran Migrant Population and Their Right to International Protection

In order to shed light on Honduras's under-reported mass migration, PCS organized a delegation of six international experts to investigate the situation. Taking their report to national and international authorities in the summer of 2015, PCS helped reveal these horrendous realities, pressuring local governments and international institutions to address those issues.

Foreign Pension Funds and Land Grabbing in Brazil

Swedish, US and Canadian pension funds have acquired farmlands in Brazil by way of a Brazilian businessman accused of using violence and fraud to displace small farmers. These pension funds are also using complex company structures that have the effect of evading Brazilian laws restricting foreign investments in farmland.

GMO cotton failure in Burkina Faso: Farmers speak out

For two years, over 500 farmers from the different cotton-growing regions in Burkina Faso documented their experience with Monsanto’s Bt cotton. This three-year farmer-led research initiative, called “Bt Cotton and Us: The Truth from our Fields,” provides an important counterbalance, as Burkina Faso was the first country in West Africa to adopt genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and industry often lauds its success when promoting GMOs in other countries.