Joint statement on Canada's support for women human rights defenders in Saudi Arabia Aug 10, 2018 | Read more
Behind the scenes of LGBTQI+ Advocacy: A mental health conversation with Valentina Parra Oct 21, 2024 | Read more
“Until We Find Them”: Searching for missing loved ones on the road to the North Mar 11, 2019 | Read more
Inter Pares welcomes Canada’s feminist realignment of international assistance Jun 9, 2017 | Read more
Canadian Government Breaks Promise to Create Independent Corporate Human Rights Watchdog Apr 9, 2019 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Stopping the unstoppable: Citizen resistance to exterminator technology in Burkina Faso Sep 4, 2019 | Read more
Behind the scenes of LGBTQI+ Advocacy: A mental health conversation with Valentina Parra Oct 21, 2024 | Read more
“Until We Find Them”: Searching for missing loved ones on the road to the North Mar 11, 2019 | Read more
The Immigrant Workers Centre to receive 2018 Peter Gillespie Social Justice Award Apr 18, 2018 | Read more
“Until We Find Them”: Searching for missing loved ones on the road to the North Mar 11, 2019 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Behind the scenes of LGBTQI+ Advocacy: A mental health conversation with Valentina Parra Oct 21, 2024 | Read more
Advocacy is resistance: Navigating anti-LGBTQI+ violence in post-war Guatemala May 23, 2024 | Read more
Publications & Resources Keywords Resource Type - Any -Annual ReportsArticlesBriefsBulletinsFull Financial StatementsHighlightsOccasional papersPresentationsReportsVideo Issue - Any -AgricultureAidArmed conflictEnvironmentFeminismHealth policyInternal displacementBiodiversityCivil libertiesCorporate accountabilityHealth promotionLandMigrant labourQueer & Trans RightsFood policyFreedom of expressionHealth servicesNatural resourcesTax justiceUndocumented migrantsViolence against womenFood securityGovernanceRefugeesTradeWomen’s healthGenetic engineeringHumanitarian reliefWomen’s leadershipHuman rightsWomen's rightsImpunityIndigenous & ethnic rightsMilitarizationPeacebuildingGender Justice & Women's RightsPeace and DemocracyControl Over ResourcesEconomic JusticeFood & Climate JusticeHealthMigration Region - Any -Africa-Burkina Faso-Ghana-Guinea-Bissau-Kenya-Mali-Senegal-Sudan-TogoAsia-Bangladesh-Burma-India-Malaysia-Philippines-ThailandCanadaLatin America-Colombia-El Salvador-Guatemala-Honduras-Mexico-Peru Submit Sort By: Sort by DateAlphabetical Order AscDesc Results: 209 Health is Always Political People feel their poverty less when they have the skills to influence social institutions to meet their demands. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaBulletins Rising from the ashes The work of Inter Pares and PCS shared through the story of four inspiring Indigenous women in Peru. Violence against womenLatin AmericaVideo Canadian Council for Refugees Spring Consultation – Opening Remarks Inter Pares’ history of supporting displaced peoples and fighting for refugee rights. MigrationBurmaLatin AmericaPresentations The Land We Call Home In every place that Inter Pares works, a central issue is the uncertainty people face about their future on the land. Women’s healthHuman rightsIndigenous & ethnic rightsControl Over ResourcesAsiaBulletins Inter Pares Annual Report 2009 – Seizing the Moment Resisting the imposition of top-down political and economic monocultures, and creating solutions that begin with those most affected. Annual Reports Shining a light: Inter Pares’ thirty-five years of social justice action Peter Gillespie shares Inter Pares rich history, telling the stories of the many relationships he has nurtured with people around the world. Women’s healthPeace and DemocracyCanadaPresentations Report of the Information Clearinghouse on Border Controls and Infringements to Travellers’ Rights The real impact of "enhanced" border controls, no-fly lists and other government watch lists on the lives of real people. Peace and DemocracyCanadaReports Learning and Acting Together Canadian officials and politicians appreciate having access to perspectives and voices they otherwise would not have heard. Violence against womenPeace and DemocracyAfricaBulletins Highlights 2009 Highlights from 2009 of what Inter Pares and its counterparts have accomplished. AfricaHighlights The Future is Now Young people in Peru, in Sudan, in the Philippines, and in Canada are building the future they want, now. Women's rightsHuman rightsFood & Climate JusticeAfricaBulletins Fuelling Underdevelopment in Colombia: Poverty, Human Rights and Canada’s Role in the African Palm Oil Sector The report examines the socio-economic, human rights, cultural, and environmental impacts of the expanding production of African oil palm. Control Over ResourcesAfricaReports Solidarity is Our Security Replacing fear with common cause, and addressing the roots of poverty and oppression. Human rightsCorporate accountabilityMigrationAfricaBulletins Land and Conflict – Resource Extraction, Human Rights, and Corporate Social Responsibility: Canadian Companies in Colombia Examination of four case studies of Canadian extractive industry investment projects in Colombia for potential human rights risks Control Over ResourcesLatin AmericaReports The Hope that Unites Us Internal armed conflicts in Peru, Guatemala, and Colombia changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals. Peace and DemocracyLatin AmericaBulletins Inter Pares Annual Report 2008 – The world we desire Our best efforts lie in paying close attention to the present – in all its diversity and complexity and possibility. Annual Reports Giving as an Act of Solidarity The most important is to build a movement by gaining the support of people who care about social justice. Control Over ResourcesAfricaBulletins Women's Struggles for Justice – A Roundtable on Confronting Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict Twenty activists consolidate knowledge and advance feminist strategies on the issue of sexual violence against women in armed conflict. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaOccasional papers Highlights 2008 Highlights from 2008 of what Inter Pares and its counterparts have accomplished. AfricaHighlights Reclaiming Our Food Eliminating hunger and ensuring healthy communities and a healthy planet. Control Over ResourcesAsiaBulletins Bearing Witness: The struggle for democracy in Burma Inter Pares has worked with civil society organizations in Burma since 1992. Peace and DemocracyBurmaBulletins Gender, the Paris Declaration and Women’s Emancipation Molly Kane’s challenge as to how the roles of women and gender are viewed. Gender Justice & Women's RightsPresentations Economic Justice: Sharing the collective wealth Achieving equity requires that people who are benefiting today from inequity be prepared to give up some of their benefits. Economic JusticeAfricaBulletins Canada and Africa: Prospects for Internationalism and Common Cause Issues and dilemmas facing international NGOs dedicated to international solidarity with people in Africa. AfricaPresentations Inter Pares Annual Report 2007: Taking sides for justice and peace Choosing to engage instead of turning away, embracing hope rather than neutrality and silence. Annual Reports Women’s Struggle for Justice Dedicated women who support and accompany survivors of violence, and our shared learning in the search for justice Gender Justice & Women's RightsBurmaCanadaBulletins Open Migration and the Politics of Fear In Spring 2007, an exchange took place on an international online research and reflection network on the Great Transition Initiative, concerning the prospect of including the concept of open borders in its vision of a humane and just global future. This article shares elements of that dialogue. Published in Development, 2007, 50(4), (50–55) © 2007 Society for International Development 1011-6370/07 Peace and DemocracyArticles Highlights 2007 Highlights from 2007 of what Inter Pares and its counterparts have accomplished. AfricaHighlights Two Activists Take Their Own Hard Line on Improving Women's Rights in Sudan Asha El-Karib and Fahima Hashim outline Sudanese women's struggles for equality. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaArticles Reclaiming the Romance Reflecting on dilemmas and opportunities for community organizers and activists throughout the world. Women's rightsPeace and DemocracyAfricaPresentations Inter Pares Annual Report 2006: Nurturing life, promoting vitality This Annual Report provides examples of the actions during 2006 that nurtured and reinvented the politics of life. Annual Reports Out of the Shadowlands: A report on an international learning circle on migration & citizenship Activists, policy makers and academics from the around the world met to discuss migration and the rights of people on the move. MigrationReports Highlights 2006 Highlights from 2006 of what Inter Pares and its counterparts have accomplished. AfricaHighlights Quaker Initiative to End Torture A movement that aims to translate the outrage people feel about torture into the political pressure that will abolish it. Peace and DemocracyArticles The Boundaries of Belonging: Reflections on Migration Policies into the 21st Century The paper examines how we categorize people who have been forced to leave their places of belonging. MigrationOccasional papers Inter Pares Annual Report 2005 – Weaving a world together What one person struggles to do alone, we can achieve together. What one person has begun, we can preserve and multiply. Annual Reports Lessons from the Philippines: Public Health, Privatization, and Women's Activism Public health care globally has been privatized and downsized, and even less accessible to those who need it most Women’s healthHealthAsiaPresentations Highlights 2005 Highlights from 2005 of what Inter Pares and its counterparts have accomplished. AfricaHighlights Women and Pharmaceuticals: Twenty Years Later A Toronto Symposium organized to honor and celebrate the achievements of Ruth Cooperstock. Women’s healthHealthCanadaReports Genetically Modified Seeds, Biodiversity and Food Security: A Critical Assessment of the Impact of Agricultural Biotechnologies on Communities in Developing Countries An overview of the key issues addressed during “Voices from the South” for Canadian policy-makers and politicians. Food & Climate JusticeCanadaPresentations Voices from the South: Biotech Seeds, Food Security & International Development Proceedings from a roundtable held March 9th, 2005 in Ottawa. Food & Climate JusticeCanadaReports Submission on the Factual Inquiry - Commission of Inquiry Maher Arar Brief submitted to the Arar Commission, investigating collusion of the Canadian government in torture of Canadian citizen Maher Arar. Peace and DemocracyCanadaPresentations No More Technological "Silver Bullets": A Policy Brief on Canada's Role in Africa's Agricultural Underdevelopment Canadian foreign policies and their effects on agricultural development in Africa. Food & Climate JusticeCanadaPresentations Knowledge and Action: Challenging the Limits This keynote address by Brian Murphy at Inter Pares' 30th Anniversary Symposium, "Citizen Action: Challenging the Limits," April 2005, highlighted some of the most pressing issues for activists. From militarism and the security agenda to poverty and invasive biotechnology, Brian explores contemporary paradoxes in political action, while urging for mobilization toward progressive transformative change that challenges the limits of the (politically) possible. Peace and DemocracyPresentations Submission concerning the review of the Anti-terrorism Act (C-36) The International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG) — a coalition of 34 Canadian organizations — calls for repeal of Anti-terrorism Act (C-36) Peace and DemocracyCanadaPresentations Controlling seeds: International delegation comes to Saskatchewan The impact of GMOs on food sovereignty and rural development. Food & Climate JusticeIndiaCanadaArticles Highlights 2004 Highlights from 2004 of what Inter Pares and its counterparts have accomplished. AfricaHighlights Towards a Feminist Political Economy How gender influences the social and political relationships and structures of power. Gender Justice & Women's RightsOccasional papers Rethinking Development: Promoting Global Justice in the 21st Century The global context that will form the imperatives that frame international cooperation, and attempts to re-think international development. Gender Justice & Women's RightsOccasional papers Community-Based Food Security Systems: Local Solutions for Ending Chronic Hunger and Promoting Rural Development This policy brief explores community-based food security systems based on examples from India. Food & Climate JusticeAsiaOccasional papers Sustainable agriculture, food security and gender Deccan Development Society’s work in India, emphasizing ecological agriculture, community-based grain banks and food security. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsiaPresentations « first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 5 next › last »
Health is Always Political People feel their poverty less when they have the skills to influence social institutions to meet their demands. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaBulletins
Rising from the ashes The work of Inter Pares and PCS shared through the story of four inspiring Indigenous women in Peru. Violence against womenLatin AmericaVideo
Canadian Council for Refugees Spring Consultation – Opening Remarks Inter Pares’ history of supporting displaced peoples and fighting for refugee rights. MigrationBurmaLatin AmericaPresentations
The Land We Call Home In every place that Inter Pares works, a central issue is the uncertainty people face about their future on the land. Women’s healthHuman rightsIndigenous & ethnic rightsControl Over ResourcesAsiaBulletins
Inter Pares Annual Report 2009 – Seizing the Moment Resisting the imposition of top-down political and economic monocultures, and creating solutions that begin with those most affected. Annual Reports
Shining a light: Inter Pares’ thirty-five years of social justice action Peter Gillespie shares Inter Pares rich history, telling the stories of the many relationships he has nurtured with people around the world. Women’s healthPeace and DemocracyCanadaPresentations
Report of the Information Clearinghouse on Border Controls and Infringements to Travellers’ Rights The real impact of "enhanced" border controls, no-fly lists and other government watch lists on the lives of real people. Peace and DemocracyCanadaReports
Learning and Acting Together Canadian officials and politicians appreciate having access to perspectives and voices they otherwise would not have heard. Violence against womenPeace and DemocracyAfricaBulletins
Highlights 2009 Highlights from 2009 of what Inter Pares and its counterparts have accomplished. AfricaHighlights
The Future is Now Young people in Peru, in Sudan, in the Philippines, and in Canada are building the future they want, now. Women's rightsHuman rightsFood & Climate JusticeAfricaBulletins
Fuelling Underdevelopment in Colombia: Poverty, Human Rights and Canada’s Role in the African Palm Oil Sector The report examines the socio-economic, human rights, cultural, and environmental impacts of the expanding production of African oil palm. Control Over ResourcesAfricaReports
Solidarity is Our Security Replacing fear with common cause, and addressing the roots of poverty and oppression. Human rightsCorporate accountabilityMigrationAfricaBulletins
Land and Conflict – Resource Extraction, Human Rights, and Corporate Social Responsibility: Canadian Companies in Colombia Examination of four case studies of Canadian extractive industry investment projects in Colombia for potential human rights risks Control Over ResourcesLatin AmericaReports
The Hope that Unites Us Internal armed conflicts in Peru, Guatemala, and Colombia changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals. Peace and DemocracyLatin AmericaBulletins
Inter Pares Annual Report 2008 – The world we desire Our best efforts lie in paying close attention to the present – in all its diversity and complexity and possibility. Annual Reports
Giving as an Act of Solidarity The most important is to build a movement by gaining the support of people who care about social justice. Control Over ResourcesAfricaBulletins
Women's Struggles for Justice – A Roundtable on Confronting Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict Twenty activists consolidate knowledge and advance feminist strategies on the issue of sexual violence against women in armed conflict. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaOccasional papers
Highlights 2008 Highlights from 2008 of what Inter Pares and its counterparts have accomplished. AfricaHighlights
Reclaiming Our Food Eliminating hunger and ensuring healthy communities and a healthy planet. Control Over ResourcesAsiaBulletins
Bearing Witness: The struggle for democracy in Burma Inter Pares has worked with civil society organizations in Burma since 1992. Peace and DemocracyBurmaBulletins
Gender, the Paris Declaration and Women’s Emancipation Molly Kane’s challenge as to how the roles of women and gender are viewed. Gender Justice & Women's RightsPresentations
Economic Justice: Sharing the collective wealth Achieving equity requires that people who are benefiting today from inequity be prepared to give up some of their benefits. Economic JusticeAfricaBulletins
Canada and Africa: Prospects for Internationalism and Common Cause Issues and dilemmas facing international NGOs dedicated to international solidarity with people in Africa. AfricaPresentations
Inter Pares Annual Report 2007: Taking sides for justice and peace Choosing to engage instead of turning away, embracing hope rather than neutrality and silence. Annual Reports
Women’s Struggle for Justice Dedicated women who support and accompany survivors of violence, and our shared learning in the search for justice Gender Justice & Women's RightsBurmaCanadaBulletins
Open Migration and the Politics of Fear In Spring 2007, an exchange took place on an international online research and reflection network on the Great Transition Initiative, concerning the prospect of including the concept of open borders in its vision of a humane and just global future. This article shares elements of that dialogue. Published in Development, 2007, 50(4), (50–55) © 2007 Society for International Development 1011-6370/07 Peace and DemocracyArticles
Highlights 2007 Highlights from 2007 of what Inter Pares and its counterparts have accomplished. AfricaHighlights
Two Activists Take Their Own Hard Line on Improving Women's Rights in Sudan Asha El-Karib and Fahima Hashim outline Sudanese women's struggles for equality. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfricaArticles
Reclaiming the Romance Reflecting on dilemmas and opportunities for community organizers and activists throughout the world. Women's rightsPeace and DemocracyAfricaPresentations
Inter Pares Annual Report 2006: Nurturing life, promoting vitality This Annual Report provides examples of the actions during 2006 that nurtured and reinvented the politics of life. Annual Reports
Out of the Shadowlands: A report on an international learning circle on migration & citizenship Activists, policy makers and academics from the around the world met to discuss migration and the rights of people on the move. MigrationReports
Highlights 2006 Highlights from 2006 of what Inter Pares and its counterparts have accomplished. AfricaHighlights
Quaker Initiative to End Torture A movement that aims to translate the outrage people feel about torture into the political pressure that will abolish it. Peace and DemocracyArticles
The Boundaries of Belonging: Reflections on Migration Policies into the 21st Century The paper examines how we categorize people who have been forced to leave their places of belonging. MigrationOccasional papers
Inter Pares Annual Report 2005 – Weaving a world together What one person struggles to do alone, we can achieve together. What one person has begun, we can preserve and multiply. Annual Reports
Lessons from the Philippines: Public Health, Privatization, and Women's Activism Public health care globally has been privatized and downsized, and even less accessible to those who need it most Women’s healthHealthAsiaPresentations
Highlights 2005 Highlights from 2005 of what Inter Pares and its counterparts have accomplished. AfricaHighlights
Women and Pharmaceuticals: Twenty Years Later A Toronto Symposium organized to honor and celebrate the achievements of Ruth Cooperstock. Women’s healthHealthCanadaReports
Genetically Modified Seeds, Biodiversity and Food Security: A Critical Assessment of the Impact of Agricultural Biotechnologies on Communities in Developing Countries An overview of the key issues addressed during “Voices from the South” for Canadian policy-makers and politicians. Food & Climate JusticeCanadaPresentations
Voices from the South: Biotech Seeds, Food Security & International Development Proceedings from a roundtable held March 9th, 2005 in Ottawa. Food & Climate JusticeCanadaReports
Submission on the Factual Inquiry - Commission of Inquiry Maher Arar Brief submitted to the Arar Commission, investigating collusion of the Canadian government in torture of Canadian citizen Maher Arar. Peace and DemocracyCanadaPresentations
No More Technological "Silver Bullets": A Policy Brief on Canada's Role in Africa's Agricultural Underdevelopment Canadian foreign policies and their effects on agricultural development in Africa. Food & Climate JusticeCanadaPresentations
Knowledge and Action: Challenging the Limits This keynote address by Brian Murphy at Inter Pares' 30th Anniversary Symposium, "Citizen Action: Challenging the Limits," April 2005, highlighted some of the most pressing issues for activists. From militarism and the security agenda to poverty and invasive biotechnology, Brian explores contemporary paradoxes in political action, while urging for mobilization toward progressive transformative change that challenges the limits of the (politically) possible. Peace and DemocracyPresentations
Submission concerning the review of the Anti-terrorism Act (C-36) The International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG) — a coalition of 34 Canadian organizations — calls for repeal of Anti-terrorism Act (C-36) Peace and DemocracyCanadaPresentations
Controlling seeds: International delegation comes to Saskatchewan The impact of GMOs on food sovereignty and rural development. Food & Climate JusticeIndiaCanadaArticles
Highlights 2004 Highlights from 2004 of what Inter Pares and its counterparts have accomplished. AfricaHighlights
Towards a Feminist Political Economy How gender influences the social and political relationships and structures of power. Gender Justice & Women's RightsOccasional papers
Rethinking Development: Promoting Global Justice in the 21st Century The global context that will form the imperatives that frame international cooperation, and attempts to re-think international development. Gender Justice & Women's RightsOccasional papers
Community-Based Food Security Systems: Local Solutions for Ending Chronic Hunger and Promoting Rural Development This policy brief explores community-based food security systems based on examples from India. Food & Climate JusticeAsiaOccasional papers
Sustainable agriculture, food security and gender Deccan Development Society’s work in India, emphasizing ecological agriculture, community-based grain banks and food security. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsiaPresentations