Joint statement on Canada's support for women human rights defenders in Saudi Arabia Aug 10, 2018 | Read more
Behind the scenes of LGBTQI+ Advocacy: A mental health conversation with Valentina Parra Oct 21, 2024 | Read more
“Until We Find Them”: Searching for missing loved ones on the road to the North Mar 11, 2019 | Read more
Inter Pares welcomes Canada’s feminist realignment of international assistance Jun 9, 2017 | Read more
Canadian Government Breaks Promise to Create Independent Corporate Human Rights Watchdog Apr 9, 2019 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Stopping the unstoppable: Citizen resistance to exterminator technology in Burkina Faso Sep 4, 2019 | Read more
Behind the scenes of LGBTQI+ Advocacy: A mental health conversation with Valentina Parra Oct 21, 2024 | Read more
“Until We Find Them”: Searching for missing loved ones on the road to the North Mar 11, 2019 | Read more
The Immigrant Workers Centre to receive 2018 Peter Gillespie Social Justice Award Apr 18, 2018 | Read more
“Until We Find Them”: Searching for missing loved ones on the road to the North Mar 11, 2019 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Behind the scenes of LGBTQI+ Advocacy: A mental health conversation with Valentina Parra Oct 21, 2024 | Read more
Advocacy is resistance: Navigating anti-LGBTQI+ violence in post-war Guatemala May 23, 2024 | Read more
Search Search Type - Any -Basic pageEventNewsResourceStaffVoice Related Region - Any -Africa-Burkina Faso-Ghana-Guinea-Bissau-Kenya-Mali-Senegal-Sudan-TogoAsia-Bangladesh-Burma-India-Malaysia-Philippines-ThailandCanadaLatin America-Colombia-El Salvador-Guatemala-Honduras-Mexico-Peru Related Issues - Any -AgricultureAidArmed conflictEnvironmentFeminismHealth policyInternal displacementBiodiversityCivil libertiesCorporate accountabilityHealth promotionLandMigrant labourQueer & Trans RightsFood policyFreedom of expressionHealth servicesNatural resourcesTax justiceUndocumented migrantsViolence against womenFood securityGovernanceRefugeesTradeWomen’s healthGenetic engineeringHumanitarian reliefWomen’s leadershipHuman rightsWomen's rightsImpunityIndigenous & ethnic rightsMilitarizationPeacebuildingGender Justice & Women's RightsPeace and DemocracyControl Over ResourcesEconomic JusticeFood & Climate JusticeHealthMigration Submit Land is Life Our counterparts in Burma courageously unite around the guiding principle that ‘land is life’. Insight & Analysis Achia Begum, Nijera Kori Achia Begum brings decades of zeal and resistance to her landless group in Bangaldesh. What is Courage? The people with whom Inter Pares works demonstrate profound courage, in their patience, persistence,fearlessness and motivation. Insight & Analysis Whose Rights? A Feminist Approach to International Investment Agreements How power and privilege are distributed and for whose benefit? Insight & Analysis Feminism and the Economic System Feminism is about a transformational change in power dynamics. So it’s essential to examine how wealth is generated and for whose benefit. Insight & Analysis Canada’s Deadly Diplomacy and Mining Justice in Mexico More than eight years since the murder of Mariano Abarca, an outspoken community leader in Chiapas, Mexico, his son and a group of Mexican human rights defenders will visit Ottawa, on February 5th and 6th. Conference The Borneo Case The Borneo Case tells the story of Indigenous people in Malaysia and their allies in defense of their ancestral lands being destroyed by illegal logging. Film screening A New Vision for Land in Burma Sai Khur Hseng is an activist who works closely with local community groups in Burma who stand up for customary land tenure systems that protect their land and the environment. Video Water Warriors at One World Film Festival Inter Pares is proud to sponsor and co-present a screening of Water Warriors, a documentary film by Storyline, at the 28th Annual One World Film Festival, in Ottawa. Film screening Deeper Change in Burma: Working Towards Inclusive Democracy In this issue, we report on the situation in Burma regarding democracy and human rights. Bulletins Inter Pares Film Nights - Return to Manomin In Return to Manomin, filmmaker Michelle Derosier struggles to persuade four generations of her kin to revive their traditional annual wild rice (Manomin) harvest. Come and learn about Michelle's struggles and discuss the film's themes after the screening. Film screening Improving Canada’s Contribution to Women’s Access to Land in Africa How is it some rights are protected and some not, some laws enforced and some not? Women farmers grow 70% of Africa’s food but often have few rights to land. Massive land grabs by elites and foreign corporations are making the situation worse. Inter Pares’ Jean Symes recently spoke on an expert panel to a conference about how Canada can support African women farmers to keep their land. Presentations My Retirement, Not at the Price of Human Dignity! Quebec and BC’s pension funds have land investments in Brazil that are forcing peasants off their land through violence and fraud. As part of the campaign "My Retirement, Not at the Price of Human Dignity!", Inter Pares is encouraging people to write to the CEOs of the pension funds to express their indignation. Campaign My Retirement, Not at the Price of Human Dignity! Quebec and BC’s pension funds have land investments in Brazil that are forcing peasants off their land through violence and fraud. Take action now and write to their CEOs. Insight & Analysis Flor Salvador: Witness to struggle and triumph in Mesoamerica Program manager Guillaume Charbonneau tells us Flor's story and how she grew into her role supporting women's rights movements across Central America and Mexico. Women Who Inspire This bulletin celebrates women's leadership and Inter Pares' commitment to feminism and gender equality. Bulletins Flor Salvador: Witness to struggle and triumph in Mesoamerica Program manager Guillaume Charbonneau tells us Flor's story and how she grew into her role supporting women's rights movements across Central America and Mexico. Insight & Analysis From the Land: 140 supporters reflect with us on reconciliation On April 25th, 2016, 140 supporters and activists from Ottawa-Gatineau joined Inter Pares for the 2016 edition of its annual Speakers Series, "From the Land: Reconciliation in action in Canada and Colombia." Updates 2016 Speakers Series: From the land: Reconciliation in action in Canada and Colombia Come and join us on April 25th at 7pm for meaningful discussion on reconciliation - a concept that is more important today than ever. Conference Inter Pares Film Nights – Raising Resistance This film explores Latin American farmers' struggle against the expanding production of genetically modified soy in South America. Eric Chaurette, Inter Pares food sovereignty program manager, will join us for a post-screening conversation on the issues profiled in the film. Film screening 2015 Highlights Here are some highlights of what we’ve accomplished with our counterparts around the world in 2015. Highlights Blanca Jiménez, Movimiento de Mujeres Mayas de Huehuetenango Blanca Jiménez is a Maya Mam leader in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Foreign Pension Funds and Land Grabbing in Brazil Swedish, US and Canadian pension funds have acquired farmlands in Brazil by way of a Brazilian businessman accused of using violence and fraud to displace small farmers. These pension funds are also using complex company structures that have the effect of evading Brazilian laws restricting foreign investments in farmland. Reports Top Swedish, US and Canadian pension funds linked to Brazilian land grabs, displacement of people A New York company managing the retirement savings of workers in Sweden, the US and Canada is evading Brazilian laws on foreign investment to acquire farmlands from a businessman accused of violently displacing local communities. In the News The Future of International Solidarity Over forty years, we have witnessed incredible change in the countries where we work. While some rights have been gained, others become threatened. Insight & Analysis Film screening - La fièvre verte (Green Fever) On the last day of the One World Film Festival, Inter Pares will hold a screening of La fièvre verte (The Green Fever). Film screening Defending Land and Livelihood This bulletin shows how Inter Pares is supporting communities to find justice in Bangladesh and Burkina Faso. It also examines the human abuses perpetrated against migrant workers here in Canada. Bulletins The Power of Collective Action in Bangladesh Nijera Kori landless groups in the communities of Charbata, Bangladesh, successfully led collective action to protect the land to farm and the river to fish. Insight & Analysis Happy Birthday Tiniguena! Tiniguena, founded in 1991, is a courageous organization that over its history has managed to accomplish big things. Updates Defending the Right to Defend Rights This bulletin is about the importance of promoting citizen's rights to defend rights around the world, with specific examples from Canada, Guinea-Bissau, and El Salvador. Bulletins Guinea-Bissau: Hope is in the Air Early 2015, staff member Patricia Charest Mugwaneza visited Inter Pares’ counterpart Tiniguena. She shares her experience. Insight & Analysis Burma programming - Past and Future For over 20 years, Inter Pares has collaborated with local groups in Burma and neighbouring countries. Reports The Future of International Solidarity: an open dialogue - Videos Live again or discover the highlights of Inter Pares 40th anniversary event by watching these videos. Video The Future of International Solidarity: Over 100 participants! On April 30th, over 100 activists from Ottawa-Gatineau and around the world joined Inter Pares for its 40th anniversary event. Updates Inter Pares Film Nights features "The Hole Story" Come join us for the 4th night in our series of Inter Pares Film Nights. This month, we will be watching and discussing “The Hole Story,” the 2011 documentary by Quebec filmmakers Richard Desjardins and Robert Monderie. "The Hole Story" analyzes Canada's mining industry, particularly its impacts on the environment and workers’ health. After the film, several key activists in the mining justice movement will join us to answer questions and engage in a discussion. Film screening Inter Pares Film Nights - spotlight on landgrabs (in French) For our 40th anniversary, we will showcase thought-provoking documentaries for free to inspire, inform and galvanize action for more equal societies. This month, we showcase Fièvre verte, a documentary that shines a light on a phenomenon of massive land acquisition by foreign corporate interest in West Africa. This film gives voices to communities, especially women, who have to live with the disastrous consequences of landgrabs in Côte d'Ivoire, and Guinea-Bissau. Film screening Highlights 2014 Highlights from 2014 of what Inter Pares and its counterparts have accomplished. Highlights Green Fever documentary A must-see documentary video on the worldwide phenomenon of massive land acquisition in West Africa. Video Forum on Challenges of Sustainable Fisheries: The global and the local context An interesting discussion on sustaining resources in a different contexts around the world. Conference Waves of Change: Sustainable Food for All Hundreds of food leaders from across Canada will converge in Halifax November 13-16th, 2014 for Waves of Change: Sustainable Food for All, Food Secure Canada’s eighth National Assembly. Assembly How access to land leads to gender equality in Chiapas Inserting women’s perspective into the communal land system in Mexico. Insight & Analysis Upholding the Law on Shifting Sands A courageous community in Bangladesh reclaims their land. Insight & Analysis The True Face of Landgrabs in West Africa Participatory research reveals disastrous impacts on communities. Insight & Analysis Land Rights and Communities This bulletin is about struggles for land rights that communities are facing – and overcoming – in Bangladesh, Mexico, and nine West African countries. Bulletins Augusta Henriques: a lifetime activist for preservation of biodiversity in Guinea-Bissau Co-founder of Tiniguena, she devoted her life to working for social change and peace in her country. Understanding land acquisitions in West Africa Learn how farmers are working with Canadian researchers and Inter Pares to document the impact of landgrabs in Africa. Insight & Analysis Video Essay: The option of justice for Sefwi farmers Ghanaian cocoa farmers have been struggling to obtain full compensation from a Toronto-based mining company for the loss of their land. Video Building Peaceful Futures In Burma, Colombia and Ghana, Inter Pares and its counterparts work towards building a lasting peace. Bulletins The Politics of Food Production While we can try to eat ethically, achieving justice for food producers goes beyond individual consumer choices. Bulletins Chin people in Burma: Having a say on their land Chin Human Rights Organization documents human rights abuses and campaigns to ensure benefits for Indigenous people. Insight & Analysis 1 2 next › last »
Land is Life Our counterparts in Burma courageously unite around the guiding principle that ‘land is life’. Insight & Analysis
Achia Begum, Nijera Kori Achia Begum brings decades of zeal and resistance to her landless group in Bangaldesh.
What is Courage? The people with whom Inter Pares works demonstrate profound courage, in their patience, persistence,fearlessness and motivation. Insight & Analysis
Whose Rights? A Feminist Approach to International Investment Agreements How power and privilege are distributed and for whose benefit? Insight & Analysis
Feminism and the Economic System Feminism is about a transformational change in power dynamics. So it’s essential to examine how wealth is generated and for whose benefit. Insight & Analysis
Canada’s Deadly Diplomacy and Mining Justice in Mexico More than eight years since the murder of Mariano Abarca, an outspoken community leader in Chiapas, Mexico, his son and a group of Mexican human rights defenders will visit Ottawa, on February 5th and 6th. Conference
The Borneo Case The Borneo Case tells the story of Indigenous people in Malaysia and their allies in defense of their ancestral lands being destroyed by illegal logging. Film screening
A New Vision for Land in Burma Sai Khur Hseng is an activist who works closely with local community groups in Burma who stand up for customary land tenure systems that protect their land and the environment. Video
Water Warriors at One World Film Festival Inter Pares is proud to sponsor and co-present a screening of Water Warriors, a documentary film by Storyline, at the 28th Annual One World Film Festival, in Ottawa. Film screening
Deeper Change in Burma: Working Towards Inclusive Democracy In this issue, we report on the situation in Burma regarding democracy and human rights. Bulletins
Inter Pares Film Nights - Return to Manomin In Return to Manomin, filmmaker Michelle Derosier struggles to persuade four generations of her kin to revive their traditional annual wild rice (Manomin) harvest. Come and learn about Michelle's struggles and discuss the film's themes after the screening. Film screening
Improving Canada’s Contribution to Women’s Access to Land in Africa How is it some rights are protected and some not, some laws enforced and some not? Women farmers grow 70% of Africa’s food but often have few rights to land. Massive land grabs by elites and foreign corporations are making the situation worse. Inter Pares’ Jean Symes recently spoke on an expert panel to a conference about how Canada can support African women farmers to keep their land. Presentations
My Retirement, Not at the Price of Human Dignity! Quebec and BC’s pension funds have land investments in Brazil that are forcing peasants off their land through violence and fraud. As part of the campaign "My Retirement, Not at the Price of Human Dignity!", Inter Pares is encouraging people to write to the CEOs of the pension funds to express their indignation. Campaign
My Retirement, Not at the Price of Human Dignity! Quebec and BC’s pension funds have land investments in Brazil that are forcing peasants off their land through violence and fraud. Take action now and write to their CEOs. Insight & Analysis
Flor Salvador: Witness to struggle and triumph in Mesoamerica Program manager Guillaume Charbonneau tells us Flor's story and how she grew into her role supporting women's rights movements across Central America and Mexico.
Women Who Inspire This bulletin celebrates women's leadership and Inter Pares' commitment to feminism and gender equality. Bulletins
Flor Salvador: Witness to struggle and triumph in Mesoamerica Program manager Guillaume Charbonneau tells us Flor's story and how she grew into her role supporting women's rights movements across Central America and Mexico. Insight & Analysis
From the Land: 140 supporters reflect with us on reconciliation On April 25th, 2016, 140 supporters and activists from Ottawa-Gatineau joined Inter Pares for the 2016 edition of its annual Speakers Series, "From the Land: Reconciliation in action in Canada and Colombia." Updates
2016 Speakers Series: From the land: Reconciliation in action in Canada and Colombia Come and join us on April 25th at 7pm for meaningful discussion on reconciliation - a concept that is more important today than ever. Conference
Inter Pares Film Nights – Raising Resistance This film explores Latin American farmers' struggle against the expanding production of genetically modified soy in South America. Eric Chaurette, Inter Pares food sovereignty program manager, will join us for a post-screening conversation on the issues profiled in the film. Film screening
2015 Highlights Here are some highlights of what we’ve accomplished with our counterparts around the world in 2015. Highlights
Blanca Jiménez, Movimiento de Mujeres Mayas de Huehuetenango Blanca Jiménez is a Maya Mam leader in Huehuetenango, Guatemala.
Foreign Pension Funds and Land Grabbing in Brazil Swedish, US and Canadian pension funds have acquired farmlands in Brazil by way of a Brazilian businessman accused of using violence and fraud to displace small farmers. These pension funds are also using complex company structures that have the effect of evading Brazilian laws restricting foreign investments in farmland. Reports
Top Swedish, US and Canadian pension funds linked to Brazilian land grabs, displacement of people A New York company managing the retirement savings of workers in Sweden, the US and Canada is evading Brazilian laws on foreign investment to acquire farmlands from a businessman accused of violently displacing local communities. In the News
The Future of International Solidarity Over forty years, we have witnessed incredible change in the countries where we work. While some rights have been gained, others become threatened. Insight & Analysis
Film screening - La fièvre verte (Green Fever) On the last day of the One World Film Festival, Inter Pares will hold a screening of La fièvre verte (The Green Fever). Film screening
Defending Land and Livelihood This bulletin shows how Inter Pares is supporting communities to find justice in Bangladesh and Burkina Faso. It also examines the human abuses perpetrated against migrant workers here in Canada. Bulletins
The Power of Collective Action in Bangladesh Nijera Kori landless groups in the communities of Charbata, Bangladesh, successfully led collective action to protect the land to farm and the river to fish. Insight & Analysis
Happy Birthday Tiniguena! Tiniguena, founded in 1991, is a courageous organization that over its history has managed to accomplish big things. Updates
Defending the Right to Defend Rights This bulletin is about the importance of promoting citizen's rights to defend rights around the world, with specific examples from Canada, Guinea-Bissau, and El Salvador. Bulletins
Guinea-Bissau: Hope is in the Air Early 2015, staff member Patricia Charest Mugwaneza visited Inter Pares’ counterpart Tiniguena. She shares her experience. Insight & Analysis
Burma programming - Past and Future For over 20 years, Inter Pares has collaborated with local groups in Burma and neighbouring countries. Reports
The Future of International Solidarity: an open dialogue - Videos Live again or discover the highlights of Inter Pares 40th anniversary event by watching these videos. Video
The Future of International Solidarity: Over 100 participants! On April 30th, over 100 activists from Ottawa-Gatineau and around the world joined Inter Pares for its 40th anniversary event. Updates
Inter Pares Film Nights features "The Hole Story" Come join us for the 4th night in our series of Inter Pares Film Nights. This month, we will be watching and discussing “The Hole Story,” the 2011 documentary by Quebec filmmakers Richard Desjardins and Robert Monderie. "The Hole Story" analyzes Canada's mining industry, particularly its impacts on the environment and workers’ health. After the film, several key activists in the mining justice movement will join us to answer questions and engage in a discussion. Film screening
Inter Pares Film Nights - spotlight on landgrabs (in French) For our 40th anniversary, we will showcase thought-provoking documentaries for free to inspire, inform and galvanize action for more equal societies. This month, we showcase Fièvre verte, a documentary that shines a light on a phenomenon of massive land acquisition by foreign corporate interest in West Africa. This film gives voices to communities, especially women, who have to live with the disastrous consequences of landgrabs in Côte d'Ivoire, and Guinea-Bissau. Film screening
Highlights 2014 Highlights from 2014 of what Inter Pares and its counterparts have accomplished. Highlights
Green Fever documentary A must-see documentary video on the worldwide phenomenon of massive land acquisition in West Africa. Video
Forum on Challenges of Sustainable Fisheries: The global and the local context An interesting discussion on sustaining resources in a different contexts around the world. Conference
Waves of Change: Sustainable Food for All Hundreds of food leaders from across Canada will converge in Halifax November 13-16th, 2014 for Waves of Change: Sustainable Food for All, Food Secure Canada’s eighth National Assembly. Assembly
How access to land leads to gender equality in Chiapas Inserting women’s perspective into the communal land system in Mexico. Insight & Analysis
Upholding the Law on Shifting Sands A courageous community in Bangladesh reclaims their land. Insight & Analysis
The True Face of Landgrabs in West Africa Participatory research reveals disastrous impacts on communities. Insight & Analysis
Land Rights and Communities This bulletin is about struggles for land rights that communities are facing – and overcoming – in Bangladesh, Mexico, and nine West African countries. Bulletins
Augusta Henriques: a lifetime activist for preservation of biodiversity in Guinea-Bissau Co-founder of Tiniguena, she devoted her life to working for social change and peace in her country.
Understanding land acquisitions in West Africa Learn how farmers are working with Canadian researchers and Inter Pares to document the impact of landgrabs in Africa. Insight & Analysis
Video Essay: The option of justice for Sefwi farmers Ghanaian cocoa farmers have been struggling to obtain full compensation from a Toronto-based mining company for the loss of their land. Video
Building Peaceful Futures In Burma, Colombia and Ghana, Inter Pares and its counterparts work towards building a lasting peace. Bulletins
The Politics of Food Production While we can try to eat ethically, achieving justice for food producers goes beyond individual consumer choices. Bulletins
Chin people in Burma: Having a say on their land Chin Human Rights Organization documents human rights abuses and campaigns to ensure benefits for Indigenous people. Insight & Analysis