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Innovations in reducing maternal mortality in the Philippines

Inter Pares staff were thrilled to be in Manila, the Philippines, on the occasion of the opening of Likhaan’s Zaragosa clinic.

Apr 4, 2017

Inter Pares brings acclaimed documentary play to Ottawa

Inter Pares presents the play "Seven," which intertwines seven true stories told by women’s rights activists worldwide.

Mar 30, 2017

promotional image for Seven: A documentary play

Improving Canada’s Contribution to Women’s Access to Land in Africa

How is it some rights are protected and some not, some laws enforced and some not? Women farmers grow 70% of Africa’s food but often have few rights to land. Massive land grabs by elites and foreign corporations are making the situation worse. Inter Pares’ Jean Symes recently spoke on an expert panel to a conference about how Canada can support African women farmers to keep their land.

Mar 29, 2017

Jean Symes speaking at CELADA conference, 2017

Seven: A documentary play

Inter Pares presents the Ottawa premiere of Seven at the Wabano Centre on April 24th. The documentary play intertwines seven true stories told by women’s rights activists in Russia, Cambodia, Guatemala, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan and Northern Ireland.

Mar 28, 2017

image promotionnelle pour Seven : une pièce de théâtre documentaire

Video: 80 Law Profs call on government to make Canada #open4justice

A group of university professors have signed a letter to the PM urging him to stick with his election promise to create a human rights ombudsman for the international extractive sector.

Mar 17, 2017

Inter Pares Film Nights: A Girl in the River: The price of forgiveness

This documentary film by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy traces the story of an 18-year-old Pakistani girl who survives an assassination attempt by her father and brother. Come and learn Saba’s story and discuss the film’s themes following the screening!

Mar 8, 2017

Canada's global leadership on women's rights

We deeply appreciate the funding announcement made today to advance women's sexual and reproductive health and rights around the world.

Mar 8, 2017

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces significant funding for women's sexual and reproductive health and rights at an International Women's Day panel in Ottawa, March 8th 2017.

Canada and the Global Gag Rule

Inter Pares is deeply concerned about the impact of the Global Gag Rule on the enabling environment for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) around the world. For this reason, we joined dozens of other Canadian organizations in a joint public statement on it.

Mar 6, 2017

Activists demonstrate in front of the Peruvian Supreme Court, laying flowers to mourn the loss of reproductive rights during the Fujimori dictatorship and demand reparations.

Why celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th?

Just like years past, Inter Pares is marking and celebrating International Women’s Day in the company of women and feminists from around the world.

Mar 2, 2017

A consultation at Likhaan's clinic in Vitas, Manila.

International Women's Day 2017 Ottawa: The Future is Feminist

Join us on March 8, 2017 for Ottawa’s biggest International Women’s Day celebration, featuring the annual Femmy Awards ceremony honouring local feminist change-makers, an activist fair, powerful arts performances, great food and drink, AND a dance party featuring DJ Seiiizmikk!

Mar 2, 2017

Poster for IWD Ottawa 2017 event

Inter Pares Film Nights - James Baldwin: The Price of the Ticket

This film by Karen Thorsen retraces the life of James Baldwin, writer and black activist, and his exploration of racial and sexual discrimination in his works. This portrait, which weaves in interviews, Baldwin's stirring public speeches, and voiceover readings of extracts from his works, illustrates Baldwin in all of his charm and strength.

Feb 6, 2017

Publicity image for "The Price of the Ticket," a documentary film on James Baldwin

The World Through a Feminist Lens

In this bulletin, we explore our feminist approach, and what it means for activists around the world.

Feb 3, 2017

Cover of English February 2017 bulletin

My Retirement, Not at the Price of Human Dignity!

Quebec and BC’s pension funds have land investments in Brazil that are forcing peasants off their land through violence and fraud. As part of the campaign "My Retirement, Not at the Price of Human Dignity!", Inter Pares is encouraging people to write to the CEOs of the pension funds to express their indignation.

Feb 3, 2017

My Retirement, Not at the Price of Human Dignity!

My Retirement, Not at the Price of Human Dignity!

Quebec and BC’s pension funds have land investments in Brazil that are forcing peasants off their land through violence and fraud. Take action now and write to their CEOs.

Feb 2, 2017

clear piggy bank with land inside

Taking a Feminist Approach

As a feminist organization with over forty years of experience, we have seen the transformative results of a feminist approach and we are keen to see it widely used.

Feb 2, 2017

The Kuki Women’s Centre uses ground-breaking restorative justice techniques to address gender-based violence in their communities in Burma’s north west.

Feminism Sans Frontières

Feminism is not a worldview invented and held solely by women in the global North. We have found over the past forty years that feminism resonates with social justice activists around the world.

Feb 2, 2017

A work retreat of the Karen Women Organisation. Formed in 1949, with a membership of over 49,000 women, KWO is a community-based organization with which Inter Pares has collaborated for almost two decades.

International Women's Day (IWD) 2016

This video was created by Inter Pares staff member Rebecca Wolsak and screened at the 2016 International Women's Day celebration in Ottawa. It blends humour and serious introspection to review the past year's feminist highlights and lowlights at the local, national, and international levels, and contemplates the year to come.

Jan 24, 2017

screen capture of the video screened at the 2016 International Women's Day Ottawa celebration

Help make Canada Open for Justice

Take action today so that Canada has an ombudsperson to give recourse when Canadian mining companies abuse human rights.

Jan 23, 2017

Call for an extractive industry ombudsperson

Meet Anna - Inter Pares' youngest monthly donor

10-year-old Anna is making a difference as an Inter Pares Sustaining Donor. Join her in globalizing equality every month by signing up today!

Jan 13, 2017

Meet Anna - Inter Pares' youngest monthly donor

Philippines: Stop the extra-judicial killings

Since President Duterte took office, the number of extrajudicial killings has skyrocketed in that country. Inter Pares recently sent a letter to the President in collaboration with a number of other signatories.

Jan 9, 2017

Warren Allmand: "Anti-Terrorism and Human Rights"

Warren Allmand, prominent international human rights consultant and member of the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG), of which Inter Pares is a founding member, delivered the keynote address to Inter Pares' Annual General Meeting in April 2007. Under the theme of "Anti-Terrorism and Human Rights," Warren Allmand offered his reflections on the conclusions of the Arar Commission and criticized the current security establishment, which is increasingly threatening our rights and freedoms rather than protecting them.

Dec 9, 2016

Warren Allmand

Highlights 2016: Inter Pares' year in review

Globally, Inter Pares works with organizations engaged in building a more equitable world.

Dec 7, 2016

Likhaan staff at a family planning fair in the Philippines

Highlights 2016

Globally, Inter Pares works with organizations engaged in building a more equitable world. Here are some highlights of what we’ve accomplished together in 2016.

Dec 5, 2016

cover of Inter Pares' 2016 Highlights

Open for Justice: Training webinar for engaging your MP

Join this training webinar to learn about recent Open for Justice activities and how you can help promote corporate accountability and mining justice.

Nov 25, 2016

photo of an open-pit mine

The Cotton Reality

This 5-minute video, produced by the Community Media Trust of the Deccan Development Society (DDS) in India, contrasts the great benefits to small-scale farmers of ecological agriculture compared to input-intensive monoculture and genetically engineered crops.

Nov 24, 2016

Meedoddi Vinoda accepting the Excellence in Farming Award

Remembering and honouring Margaret Phillips, one year later

Margaret Phillips passed away one year ago this month. She served on Inter Pares board of directors in the 1980s when we created a co-management structure.

Nov 21, 2016

Dr. Margaret Phillips with friends

Op-ed: Enough talk, Canada needs extractive industries ombudsperson

The CNCA has just released proposed legislation that would uphold human rights of communities affected by Canadian extractive industries.

Nov 2, 2016

Call for an extractive industry ombudsperson

Cathleen Kneen: Our big sister

Program manager Eric Chaurette shares his ten-year collaboration with Cathleen, a tireless leader for food sovereignty who passed away this spring.

Nov 1, 2016

Cathleen Kneen engages panelists at Inter Pares’ 2009 AGM.

What Does it Mean to Be Feminist?

Executive Director Rita Morbia explores how Inter Pares lives out its commitment to feminism, and what the term means to her.

Nov 1, 2016

Rita Morbia (third from right) with members of a community women’s organization supported by Likhaan in Quinapondan, Eastern Samar, the Philippines.

Inter Pares Film Night - Women's Health and Rights in the Philippines

Inter Pares is screening a 30-minute film from one of our counterparts, Likhaan Centre for Women's Health. After the film, we will be discussing the stories and issues raised with Rita Morbia, Inter Pares' Executive Director.

Oct 26, 2016

"Sulingan (Refuge)" DVD cover

Visit from two renowned African feminists

We had the privilege of welcoming two leading feminists and longtime Inter Pares collaborators from Sudan and Guinea-Bissau.

Oct 12, 2016

Beth Woroniuk (feminist peace activist), Dr. Asha El-Karib, Rebecca Tiessen (University of Ottawa professor) and Rita Morbia (Inter Pares Executive Director).

Harvesting Freedom ends on a triumphant note

To mark the 50th anniversary of the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program, the Harvesting Freedom caravan travelled more than 1,600 kilometres across Ontario.

Oct 11, 2016

Inter Pares staff celebrate with caravan members their arrival in Ottawa.

Inter Pares helping to reset the table at the Food Secure Canada Assembly

This event will bring together an estimated 700 delegates to share knowledge, learn from others and build the relationships.

Oct 7, 2016

Food Secure Canada's 9th Assembly, "Resetting the Table"

The Pandemic of Violence against Women: Global to Local

Violence against women around the world is so ubiquitous that the United Nations has called it a global pandemic. Join us as we explore its root causes and characteristics with two passionate activists who have dedicated their lives to addressing this pandemic through listening to marginalized women's stories, learning from their experiences and implementing practical solutions.

Sep 23, 2016

Struggles, Strategies and Successes: Women Building Peace in Sudan

Join us for a fascinating conversation with Dr. Asha El-Karib on the efforts of women in Sudan to build peace and democracy amidst a difficult context. Dr. El-Karib is one of Sudan’s foremost women’s rights activists and the Senior Strategic Advisor for the Sudanese Organization for Research and Development based in Khartoum, Sudan.

Sep 23, 2016

Inter Pares calls for an investigation into sales of military vehicles to the Government of Sudan

Recent reports of sales despite a ban on military exports are profoundly disturbing.

Sep 11, 2016

armoured Ural-63099 Typhoon vehicle

Migrant Dreams screening at the One World Film Festival

As a special afternoon edition of the Inter Pares Film Nights, Inter Pares is sponsoring a screening of Migrant Dreams, a documentary film by Min Sook Lee exposing the precarity and rights abuses that migrant farmworkers in Ontario face, at the One World Film Festival on October 1st.

Sep 8, 2016

Migrant Dreams poster

Harvesting Freedom tour for migrant workers' rights

From September 4th to October 3rd, migrant farmworkers are marching and caravanning across Ontario from Windsor to Ottawa, marking the 50th anniversary of Canada's "temporary" migrant farmworker programs. The caravan is raising awareness among Canadians about how our food system relies on their precarious and underpaid labour, and call on the federal government to offer them permanent residence status and to respect their labour rights.

Sep 8, 2016

Harvesting Freedom poster

Inter Pares' submission to Global Affairs Canada's 2016 International Assistance Review (IAR)

Between May and July 2016, Global Affairs Canada conducted an extensive review of its development policies, known as the International Assistance Review (IAR). The review was an opportunity for civil society organizations and for Canadians to offer their views on how Canada can take action on poverty and inequality abroad.

Sep 2, 2016

Inter Pares' submission to the International Assistance Review

The World Social Forum 2016: A unique gathering for social justice in Montréal

Inter Pares participated in the 2016 World Social Forum, which was an unparalleled moment of learning and global solidarity.

Sep 2, 2016

Demonstration with giant globe

Rising up for migrant farmworkers' rights

This fall, two important series of events are drawing attention to the structural injustice that migrant farmworkers face in Canada, and to their demands for change.

Sep 1, 2016

Justicia for Migrant Workers and supporters call for migrant farmworkers to be given permanent status in Canada.

No True Peace Without the Voices of Women

In late 2012, when Colombia’s government and its largest guerrilla group, known as the FARC, met in Norway to launch peace talks, the only woman si

Sep 1, 2016

Colombian government delegates and the FARC initiate talks for ending the conflict, in Oslo, Norway.

A Model for Peace: Women building peace in Mali

With the support of ACORD, women and men gathered to learn and share ideas of how to transform national conflict into an authentic and sustainable peace.

Sep 1, 2016

A Feminist Approach to Canada's International Assistance

This brief, submitted to Canada's International Assistance Review in July 2016, seeks to build a common understanding of feminist approaches to international assistance, to assess the challenges, gaps and opportunities in Global Affairs Canada’s approach, and to develop a set of practical recommendations for implementing a feminist approach.

Aug 5, 2016

Cover of "A Feminist Approach to Canada's International Assistance"

Join Inter Pares at the World Social Forum!

From August 9th to 14th, the World Social Forum (WSF) is coming to a Northern country for the first time since its inception in 2001, in Brazil. Don't miss this opportunity to participate in the world's largest gathering of social movements. Between 50 000 and 80 000 activists from civil society groups, organizations, and social movements from all over the world are expected to attend, including many of Inter Pares’ international and national counterparts.

Aug 4, 2016

Demonstration with giant globe