Joint statement on Canada's support for women human rights defenders in Saudi Arabia Aug 10, 2018 | Read more
Behind the scenes of LGBTQI+ Advocacy: A mental health conversation with Valentina Parra Oct 21, 2024 | Read more
“Until We Find Them”: Searching for missing loved ones on the road to the North Mar 11, 2019 | Read more
Inter Pares welcomes Canada’s feminist realignment of international assistance Jun 9, 2017 | Read more
Canadian Government Breaks Promise to Create Independent Corporate Human Rights Watchdog Apr 9, 2019 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Stopping the unstoppable: Citizen resistance to exterminator technology in Burkina Faso Sep 4, 2019 | Read more
Behind the scenes of LGBTQI+ Advocacy: A mental health conversation with Valentina Parra Oct 21, 2024 | Read more
“Until We Find Them”: Searching for missing loved ones on the road to the North Mar 11, 2019 | Read more
The Immigrant Workers Centre to receive 2018 Peter Gillespie Social Justice Award Apr 18, 2018 | Read more
“Until We Find Them”: Searching for missing loved ones on the road to the North Mar 11, 2019 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Round Table with Vigilance OGM: Agroecology, feminist approaches and the struggle against agrochemicals Oct 7, 2024 | Read more
Behind the scenes of LGBTQI+ Advocacy: A mental health conversation with Valentina Parra Oct 21, 2024 | Read more
Advocacy is resistance: Navigating anti-LGBTQI+ violence in post-war Guatemala May 23, 2024 | Read more
News Keywords News Type - Any -In the NewsInsight & AnalysisUpdates Issue - Any -AgricultureAidArmed conflictEnvironmentFeminismHealth policyInternal displacementBiodiversityCivil libertiesCorporate accountabilityHealth promotionLandMigrant labourQueer & Trans RightsFood policyFreedom of expressionHealth servicesNatural resourcesTax justiceUndocumented migrantsViolence against womenFood securityGovernanceRefugeesTradeWomen’s healthGenetic engineeringHumanitarian reliefWomen’s leadershipHuman rightsWomen's rightsImpunityIndigenous & ethnic rightsMilitarizationPeacebuildingGender Justice & Women's RightsPeace and DemocracyControl Over ResourcesEconomic JusticeFood & Climate JusticeHealthMigration Region - Any -Africa-Burkina Faso-Ghana-Guinea-Bissau-Kenya-Mali-Senegal-Sudan-TogoAsia-Bangladesh-Burma-India-Malaysia-Philippines-ThailandCanadaLatin America-Colombia-El Salvador-Guatemala-Honduras-Mexico-Peru Submit Sort By: Sort by DateAlphabetical Order AscDesc Results: 386 Public financing for women’s rights in the Philippines Likhaan, a women’s health organization in the Philippines, advocates for universal healthcare and reproductive rights. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsia Asian and West African activists share knowledge on biodiverse farming A knowledge-sharing exchange brings Asian and West African activists together to ensure food sovereignty. Food & Climate JusticeAfrica Civilian voices in Burma’s ceasefire negotiations Affected communities collaborate to pursue a peace based on civilian interests. Peace and DemocracyAsia Internally displaced struggle for land in Las Pavas, Colombia Displaced families of the community of Las Pavas in Colombia are working for a lasting solution after numerous forced evictions. Peace and DemocracyLatin America Analysing the causes and facing the consequences of migration in Zacualpa, Guatemala In Zacualpa, Guatemala, the Office of the Migrant attends to a community deeply affected by undocumented migration. MigrationLatin America The politics of food production Imported Bangladesh shrimp or Canadian-grown vegetables picked by migrant labour: it matters how food is produced. Human rightsFood & Climate JusticeAsia Medicare: Canadians can afford compassion Canada’s public healthcare system is sustainable but only if Canadians choose funding the system over tax cuts. Economic JusticeCanada Rejecting the cult of austerity – taxes are revenue for development Taxes are revenue countries need for development and are lost to tax havens resulting in austerity programs Economic JusticeCanada Crony capitalism: How ‘development’ led to armed conflict in Kachin State Uncontrolled resource development during a 17-year ceasefire impoverished Kachin State & reignited war in 2011. Armed conflictHuman rightsIndigenous & ethnic rightsControl Over ResourcesAsia Back Pack Health Worker Team provides critical care in Burma Follow the journey of BPHWT health workers as they provide care to villagers in Burma’s conflict areas. HealthBurma Why is Burma’s “Ethnic Issue” Important? Multi-ethnic coalitions collaborate to build a diverse and peaceful Burma. Peace and DemocracyBurma Building the foundations of peace in Burma Inter Pares’ long-term relationships with organizations such as the Karen Women Organization are part of a process of creating sustainable change. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsia Aid for refugees, by refugees Camps in Thailand are built and run by refugees themselves supported and monitored by The Border Consortium. Humanitarian reliefIndigenous & ethnic rightsMigrationAsia Towards a collective vision for advancing food sovereignty in Canada Food Secure Canada is committed to turning the People’s food Policy into reality, which promotes transforming our food system. Food & Climate JusticeCanada Chin people in Burma: Having a say on their land Chin Human Rights Organization documents human rights abuses and campaigns to ensure benefits for Indigenous people. Indigenous & ethnic rightsControl Over ResourcesAsia Canada Pension Plan fuels human rights abuses in Burma Burma’s Shwe Gas Project fuels armed conflict, rights abuses and poverty, with Canada Pension Plan financing. Control Over ResourcesBurma Third World Network: Talking trade and justice Third World Network monitors agreements around the world in order to help southern countries advocate for fairer trade regimes. Economic JusticeAsia Advocating in India for millet production to help small farmers Forming a network in India to advocate for small farmer millet-based agriculture to improve food security. Control Over ResourcesAsia Communities in Burma challenge destructive development of natural resources Burma Rivers Network monitors dam projects, promotes ecological sustainability and social justice in resource development. Human rightsControl Over ResourcesBurma Protecting biodiversity and building food sovereignty in Guinea-Bissau Tiniguena, an organization in Guinea-Bissau, celebrates 20 years of struggle for emancipation and biodiversity conservation. Food & Climate JusticeAfrica Health is always political: The work of Likhaan and the Mae Tao Clinic Inter Pares facilitated an exchange between the Mae Tao Clinic for Burmese refugees and Likhaan in the Philippines. Women’s leadershipHealthAsia The importance of feminist methodology in Inter Pares’ work and structure Feminism is key to our programming and structure, with values of equality, collaboration and coalition-building. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsia Inter Pares puts feminism into practice through coalition building Inter Pares advances social justice in Canada and abroad bringing a strong feminist analysis to coalition work. Gender Justice & Women's RightsCanada Make dinner or be dinner People are creating Canada's first comprehensive food sovereignty policy based on a vision of a society in which nobody goes hungry. Food & Climate JusticeCanada The Gradual Instant - Change from the Ground Up Moments of revolution arise out of the patient work of organizing ourselves around shared goals. Peace and Democracy Africa: equality, the law, and women’s well-being African women struggling for access to justice for sexual violence insist women’s equality is essential. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfrica A cultural and gender sensitive approach to trauma healing in Guatemala and Peru Local organizations in Peru and Guatemala are working to heal the deep scars of the internal armed conflicts left on indigenous women. Gender Justice & Women's RightsLatin America Doctors from Canada and Burma exchange lessons on refugee health care Inter Pares connects people delivering community-based healthcare for patients caught up in poverty and conflict. HealthBurmaThailandCanada Rights activist Charm Tong shares struggle for democracy in Burma with Canadians She shared stories with Canadians and presented before a parliamentary committee the human rights situation in Burma. Peace and DemocracyBurma Canadian civil society organizes for corporate accountability Mining Watch Canada, the Halifax Initiative and Inter Pares advocate for responsible behavior from Canadian companies Human rightsEconomic JusticeCanada Salmmah: Young Sudanese women challenge taboos Salmmah Women’s Resource Centre works with young women and men to challenge discriminatory norms and laws in Sudan. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfrica Dig In! An interactive workshop on food sovereignty CBAN, Check Your Head, and the National Farmers Union Youth created a toolkit to better the food system in Canada. Food & Climate JusticeCanada Defeating fear by building solidarity: the work of ICLMG ICLMG comprises 38 Canadian organizations & monitors the impact of security legislation on civil rights Peace and DemocracyCanada Sold into Slavery: Burma’s refugees exploited by Malaysian traffickers and authorities Refugees fleeing abuse in Burma are sold by traffickers in Malaysia and south Thailand, with official complicity. Violence against womenGovernanceHuman rightsUndocumented migrantsRefugeesBurmaMalaysiaThailand Africa-Canada relations: From charity and aid to solidarity and transformation How do Northern NGOs work for social justice, rather than reproduce the same relations of power we seek to transform. AidAfrica Strengthening bonds of solidarity in West Africa Inter Pares staff Rachel Gouin facilitates fundraising for social change workshop with youth in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa. Control Over ResourcesAfrica « first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Public financing for women’s rights in the Philippines Likhaan, a women’s health organization in the Philippines, advocates for universal healthcare and reproductive rights. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsia
Asian and West African activists share knowledge on biodiverse farming A knowledge-sharing exchange brings Asian and West African activists together to ensure food sovereignty. Food & Climate JusticeAfrica
Civilian voices in Burma’s ceasefire negotiations Affected communities collaborate to pursue a peace based on civilian interests. Peace and DemocracyAsia
Internally displaced struggle for land in Las Pavas, Colombia Displaced families of the community of Las Pavas in Colombia are working for a lasting solution after numerous forced evictions. Peace and DemocracyLatin America
Analysing the causes and facing the consequences of migration in Zacualpa, Guatemala In Zacualpa, Guatemala, the Office of the Migrant attends to a community deeply affected by undocumented migration. MigrationLatin America
The politics of food production Imported Bangladesh shrimp or Canadian-grown vegetables picked by migrant labour: it matters how food is produced. Human rightsFood & Climate JusticeAsia
Medicare: Canadians can afford compassion Canada’s public healthcare system is sustainable but only if Canadians choose funding the system over tax cuts. Economic JusticeCanada
Rejecting the cult of austerity – taxes are revenue for development Taxes are revenue countries need for development and are lost to tax havens resulting in austerity programs Economic JusticeCanada
Crony capitalism: How ‘development’ led to armed conflict in Kachin State Uncontrolled resource development during a 17-year ceasefire impoverished Kachin State & reignited war in 2011. Armed conflictHuman rightsIndigenous & ethnic rightsControl Over ResourcesAsia
Back Pack Health Worker Team provides critical care in Burma Follow the journey of BPHWT health workers as they provide care to villagers in Burma’s conflict areas. HealthBurma
Why is Burma’s “Ethnic Issue” Important? Multi-ethnic coalitions collaborate to build a diverse and peaceful Burma. Peace and DemocracyBurma
Building the foundations of peace in Burma Inter Pares’ long-term relationships with organizations such as the Karen Women Organization are part of a process of creating sustainable change. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsia
Aid for refugees, by refugees Camps in Thailand are built and run by refugees themselves supported and monitored by The Border Consortium. Humanitarian reliefIndigenous & ethnic rightsMigrationAsia
Towards a collective vision for advancing food sovereignty in Canada Food Secure Canada is committed to turning the People’s food Policy into reality, which promotes transforming our food system. Food & Climate JusticeCanada
Chin people in Burma: Having a say on their land Chin Human Rights Organization documents human rights abuses and campaigns to ensure benefits for Indigenous people. Indigenous & ethnic rightsControl Over ResourcesAsia
Canada Pension Plan fuels human rights abuses in Burma Burma’s Shwe Gas Project fuels armed conflict, rights abuses and poverty, with Canada Pension Plan financing. Control Over ResourcesBurma
Third World Network: Talking trade and justice Third World Network monitors agreements around the world in order to help southern countries advocate for fairer trade regimes. Economic JusticeAsia
Advocating in India for millet production to help small farmers Forming a network in India to advocate for small farmer millet-based agriculture to improve food security. Control Over ResourcesAsia
Communities in Burma challenge destructive development of natural resources Burma Rivers Network monitors dam projects, promotes ecological sustainability and social justice in resource development. Human rightsControl Over ResourcesBurma
Protecting biodiversity and building food sovereignty in Guinea-Bissau Tiniguena, an organization in Guinea-Bissau, celebrates 20 years of struggle for emancipation and biodiversity conservation. Food & Climate JusticeAfrica
Health is always political: The work of Likhaan and the Mae Tao Clinic Inter Pares facilitated an exchange between the Mae Tao Clinic for Burmese refugees and Likhaan in the Philippines. Women’s leadershipHealthAsia
The importance of feminist methodology in Inter Pares’ work and structure Feminism is key to our programming and structure, with values of equality, collaboration and coalition-building. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAsia
Inter Pares puts feminism into practice through coalition building Inter Pares advances social justice in Canada and abroad bringing a strong feminist analysis to coalition work. Gender Justice & Women's RightsCanada
Make dinner or be dinner People are creating Canada's first comprehensive food sovereignty policy based on a vision of a society in which nobody goes hungry. Food & Climate JusticeCanada
The Gradual Instant - Change from the Ground Up Moments of revolution arise out of the patient work of organizing ourselves around shared goals. Peace and Democracy
Africa: equality, the law, and women’s well-being African women struggling for access to justice for sexual violence insist women’s equality is essential. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfrica
A cultural and gender sensitive approach to trauma healing in Guatemala and Peru Local organizations in Peru and Guatemala are working to heal the deep scars of the internal armed conflicts left on indigenous women. Gender Justice & Women's RightsLatin America
Doctors from Canada and Burma exchange lessons on refugee health care Inter Pares connects people delivering community-based healthcare for patients caught up in poverty and conflict. HealthBurmaThailandCanada
Rights activist Charm Tong shares struggle for democracy in Burma with Canadians She shared stories with Canadians and presented before a parliamentary committee the human rights situation in Burma. Peace and DemocracyBurma
Canadian civil society organizes for corporate accountability Mining Watch Canada, the Halifax Initiative and Inter Pares advocate for responsible behavior from Canadian companies Human rightsEconomic JusticeCanada
Salmmah: Young Sudanese women challenge taboos Salmmah Women’s Resource Centre works with young women and men to challenge discriminatory norms and laws in Sudan. Gender Justice & Women's RightsAfrica
Dig In! An interactive workshop on food sovereignty CBAN, Check Your Head, and the National Farmers Union Youth created a toolkit to better the food system in Canada. Food & Climate JusticeCanada
Defeating fear by building solidarity: the work of ICLMG ICLMG comprises 38 Canadian organizations & monitors the impact of security legislation on civil rights Peace and DemocracyCanada
Sold into Slavery: Burma’s refugees exploited by Malaysian traffickers and authorities Refugees fleeing abuse in Burma are sold by traffickers in Malaysia and south Thailand, with official complicity. Violence against womenGovernanceHuman rightsUndocumented migrantsRefugeesBurmaMalaysiaThailand
Africa-Canada relations: From charity and aid to solidarity and transformation How do Northern NGOs work for social justice, rather than reproduce the same relations of power we seek to transform. AidAfrica
Strengthening bonds of solidarity in West Africa Inter Pares staff Rachel Gouin facilitates fundraising for social change workshop with youth in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa. Control Over ResourcesAfrica